Chapter 6 - The Question

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(Quentin POV)
-1 week later-

I locked the door to the gym and put the keys in my pocket. I just closed up the gym and I'm heading out to Katy's house to see her.

I still haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet, I haven't found the right time, and honestly, I'm kind of scared to. What if she says no and kicks me out of her life, I really have fallen for her and I can't loose her.

I whistled as I slid my hands into my pockets, it was another cold night and I didn't have a jacket so I was just in my gym singlet, shorts and sneakers. I ran my hand through my quiff as I began thinking about when I should ask her, I want to make it rememberable and romantic. I don't just want to randomly pop the question.

Maybe I could take her out to dinner? No, that's where I took her for the date, and I would LOVE to go to the beach again, but that would just be a repeat of what happened last time (not that I would complain).

This is so hard, she is athletic and adventurous, wait, I KNOW! That's perfect! I know what I'm going to do. I smiled and nodded to myself before starting to jog and the corner, I'm so excited to see Katy, not for any other reason that just to be in her presents.

I quickly ran across the road and down the street before stopping in front of her house. I smiled and walked up her driveway and knocking on her door. I could hear a muffled "coming!" from what sounded like upstairs.

I smiled and leaned down to lift up her statue of a mushroom. There was a little safe at the bottom of it, I put the pin in and the safe opened. I pulled out the spare key and unlocked the door before putting the key back and closing the safe.

I placed the mushroom statue back down and opened the door to see Katy rushing down the stairs with a towel wrapped in her hair and around her body, a dressing gown dangling from her hand. I turned and closed the door behind me locking it.

Katy screamed when she looked up and saw me, "you scared the crap out of me" she said holding onto the towel with her free hand so it wouldn't fall down. "Sorry" I chuckled, she rolled her eyes and turned around and began walking up the stairs, I followed.

I walked into her bedroom behind her and kicked off my shoes before jumping on her bed. I waited as she went back into her bathroom to get changed, she then came out with her small pyjama shorts on and she was pulling on a singlet. I put my hands behind my head as I watched her dry her hair in front of the mirror.

Katy made eye contact with me through the mirror and smirked when she noticed I was watching her. "I figured out something today" Katy said chucking her wet towel in the clothes hamper. "Oh yeah?" I asked raising my eyebrows as she turned to face me.

"Yeah" she repeated smiling and walking towards the bed, "and what was that?" I said as she got on the bed and shuffled over to me and laid down beside me resting her head on my chest. "That I am a very lucky woman" she said sliding her arm around my waist.

"How so?" I asked as she laughed and sat up before putting her leg over me so she was straddling my stomach. "Because I have someone special in my life, someone I didn't think I was ever going to find" she leaning down to me.

As she leaned down a piece of hair fell in her face, I lifted my hand and gently pushed it behind her ear, "and who is that someone?" I asked letting the back of my index finger trail slowly down her cheek. "My cat, duh?" She said sarcastically.

I let my mouth drop as she laughed and crinkled her nose, that was the cutest thing I have ever seen. I grabbed her waist and flipped her over so I was now lying on top of her, "do you wanna say that again?" I asked smirking, Katy laughed as she ran her hand through my hair.

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