Chapter 28 - Small And Meaningful

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(Quentin POV)

I instantly woke up, the burning pain in my chest instantly increasing. I open my eyes seeing the familiar scene of our bedroom, I frown as feel the pain spread through my chest, I roll onto my back and place a hand on my chest as I could feel the burning get more intense.

It was still really dark outside as I could see through the small slit in the curtains across from the bed, I wonder what time it is?

I look beside me seeing Katy fast asleep, her hair sprawled out over her face and my pillow. If I wasn't in pain, I would have smiled at the sight, I quickly pull back the covers and gently get out of bed trying not to wake Katy. Once I'm standing on my feet I pause for a second, getting my balance back as I still clutch my burning chest.

What's going on with me? I feel a slight bit of fear enter me as I quickly jog out of the bedroom and towards the stairs, once I get to the stairs I try to run down them as light footed as I can so I don't wake Katy or Tamra.

I jog through the lounge room and into the kitchen quickly opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water. I close the fridge and turn to the medicine cabinet to look around for some tablets which can help with chest pains.

I picked up the first box I saw, I didn't read the name, just the back.

Rashes, colds, headaches, burns, chest pains, BINGO!

I quickly undo the packet and get two of the pills out before quickly popping them in my mouth and taking a big gulp of water before swallowing. I close my eyes and hold my chest as I feel the water pass through.

I don't know what to do so I keep taking small sips of water until there is only a quarter of the water left in the bottle, but thankfully, the pain is going.

I sit down on a kitchen stool and place the bottle of water in front of me and I wait, and wait, and wait........ Until the burning has completely disappeared.

I let out a big breath and sit up straight so I was stretching my back before returning to my normal posture.

Once I was positive the pain was gone for good, I stood up and grabbed the bottle of water before walking out of the kitchen.

As I passed through the lounge room I look at the clock that was hanging above the fireplace, I was surprised to see it was only 2:45 am. I shook my head and walked out of the lounge room and upstairs to our bedroom.

I walked into the bedroom and quietly closed the door behind me before walking back over to my side of the bed and sitting down. I placed the bottle of water on my bedside table before gently laying back down beside Katy.

I was obviously a little bit to loud when I left because Katy must have became a little bit restless and she moved so she was now facing away from me.

I shuffled over so I was laying right beside Katy, I slid my arm around her waist and gently shuffled even closer.

Katy began to stir and she moved her body back around to face me, I slipped my arm under her head and kept my arm around her waist as she placed her head under my chin.

I smiled and kissed her forehead, "I love you" I whispered as I heard a light snore come from her.

It's moments like these that I need to remember and treasure, the small and meaning full moments.


"Q? Babe?" I heard someone say, I could feel a warm hand resting on my arm as I came back into reality. I opened my eyes and looked around the room until I finally spotted Katy.

She was bent down slightly as she shook me awake, "good morning, breakfast is ready and then we will have to head off to the airport" she said before kissing my forehead. "Ok, thanks" I said as Katy frowned and placed her hand back on my forehead.

"What?" I asked as she turned her hand around so the back of her hand was now pressed against my forehead. She then moved her hand down to my cheek, "your a bit hot" she said making me smirk, "why thank you" I said making her roll her eyes and stand up straight before walking into the bathroom.

I rolled only my side seeing a bottle of water on my bedside table, the memories of last night flashing into my memory. The chest ache, It's probably nothing. So it wasn't just a dream, it actually happened?

I sat up and ran my hands over my face before standing up and walking over to the closet. I pulled out some baggy sweat pants and pulled them on over my boxers before walking out of the bedroom.

I walked down the stairs and into the lounge room to see Tamra walking into the kitchen. I walked in behind her to see her sitting down on one of the chairs with a bowl of cereal.

Once she spotted me she smiled at me, "morning" I said as I walked over to the cupboard and pulled a bowl out. "Good morning, and you don't need a bowl, Katy already made me make you breakfast" Tamra said pointing to the plate of pancakes sitting on the bench across from her.

"She did? Why?" I asked frowning as Tamra smiled, "because she can't do it" she said making me smile. "Thanks Tamra" I said walking around and sitting down, "anytime" she said taking another bite of cereal.

As I took my first bite of pancakes Katy walked in. I smiled at her and she returned it, "so when are we flying out?" I asked as she got out a glass and placed it in front of me. "Uh, I don't know, Tam?" Katy asked Tamra as she walked to the fridge and got the orange juice out.

"We are flying out at 1, so we have to be gone by 12" Tamra said as she took another bite of her cereal. "What's the time now? And thanks babe" I said smiling at Katy as she poured me some orange juice.

"It's 10 o'clock" Katy said smiling at me before putting the lid back on the Orange juice and putting it away. "10 o'clock? Wow, I slept in" I said as I took another bite of my pancakes.

"I thought that to, maybe your just tired" Katy said as she walked around the table to me. She rested herself in between my legs and I wrapped my arm around her waist while picking up a bit of the pancake and holding it out for her.

She smiled and bit the pancake off the fork before leaning in and pecking my lips. "I love you" she said making me smile and put down my fork, I put my other arm around her waist as well and I pulled her closer and kissed her again.

I pulled away and looked into her blue eyes, seeing emotions flooding through them. "I love you Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson"

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