Chapter 34 - We Made Love

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(Quentin POV)

"Ok, I think I have everything" I mumbled to myself as I drove back towards our hotel. I began going through everything in my mind, making sure I didn't forget anything.

I pulled up in one of the free parking spaces outside of the hotel and got out of the Audi rental car. I closed the car door and locked the car before putting the keys back into the pocket of my suit.

I walked through the lobby of the hotel smiling kindly at people as I passed them. I stepped into the lift and as the door was about to close I could see an elderly couple walking towards the elevator. I quickly put my hand in between the doors making them jump apart.

They smiled at me as I held the door open for them, once they were in I pulled my hand away and let the doors close. "Thank you dear" the lady said making me smile, "my pleasure" I said back.

"Big night out?" The man question as he smiled and pointed to my suit, I nodded and chuckled, "you could say that" I said making him nod.

We waited patiently until we reached my floor, the doors opened, "have a lovely evening" the man said as I smiled at you, "and you sir" I said giving them both a smile before stepping out of the elevator.

I walked down the hallway and stopped at our door, I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at my reflection in it, not a hair out of place, good.

I checked my tie before putting my phone back in my pocket. I cleared my throat before lifting my hand and knocking on the door, I waited a couple of seconds before I could hear footsteps walking towards the door.

I heard the lock on the door click and it slowly opened, and the sight before me was flawless. She had her black hair out and parted in the middle, she had a light pink dress on the stopped above the knee with black lace patterns down the front.

"You said not to dress fancy, but here you are in a suit" she said chuckling, I shrugged and leaned forward pulling her into a hug before pulling away and pressing my lips against hers.

I pulled away and smiled down at her, "you look beautiful" I said making her smile. "And you look rather dashing" she said making me chuckle, "if your going old school, I might as well" I said stepping back and holding out my arm.

"Shall we?" I said making her smile and link her hand under my elbow, "we shall" she said laughed as she closed the hotel room door behind her.

"So, will you tell me where we are going?" Katy asked me as we began walking down the hallway towards the lifts, "Ha, not a chance" I said making Katy groan.

-40 minutes later-

We were driving across the highway and we were now out of the Sydney City. I look at Katy in the passenger seat beside me, noticing she is asleep.

I smiled and slowed down the cars speed and slowly pulled of the road onto the grass. I gently drove across the car until were away from the road near a large tree.

I parked the car and turned the engine off, luckily Katy was still asleep. I got out of my side of the car but I didn't close the car door, I opened the back car door and got out the large blanket and picnic basket.

I took them over to the front of the tree and laid them out before returning to the back of the car to get the cheesecake and pizza boxes out before taking them over and laying them down as well.

Once everything was laid out and in place I looked out at the view. The Sydney City was lit up in front of us, giving us an amazing view. I smiled once more before walking back over to Katy's side of the door and opening it.

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