Chapter 60 - The Genders

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(Quentin POV)

I rolled over expecting to feel the warmth of Katy's body beside me, instead it was just the soft, silk material of our sheets.

I opened one eye and quickly closed it because of the bright light flooding through the window. I groaned and rolled over feeling my legs get tangled in the mess of the sheets from last night.

I sighed before throwing the blankets off me and looking around for my pants, then I remember that I left them in the bathroom.

I walked into the bathroom and picked my trackies and slipped them on before pulling my black singlet on.

I walked out of the room feeling like complete shit. Did I take my blood pressure medication last night? Shit, I think I forgot.

I made my way down stairs and into the kitchen to find Katy with her back to me, standing against the bench counter in one of my T-shirts.

I could tell it was a bit tighter around her stomach because of the baby bump, but it just made her look way more beautiful.

"Good morning gorgeous" I said as I placed my hands on her hips and kissed her cheek. "Mm, good morning to you to" she said smiling as I turned around and walked over to the medicine cupboard.

I grabbed my pills out and walked over to the fridge to grab some orange juice. "So I got a call this morning" I heard Katy say as I placed the Orange juice and my pills on the bench.

"Yeah? Who from?" I asked as I got a cup out of the cupboard and began to pour some orange juice into the glass.

"From a man named Steve Shiffman" she said as I placed two pills in my mouth, "who is Steve Shiffman?" I asked as I brought the cup to my lips.

"Steve Shiffman is current CEO for the Calvin Klein line" she said as I swallowed, "alrighty, what did he want?" I said confused.

"Well, they need a new male underwear model, and it turns out they want you" Katy said almost making me chock on my orange juice.

"Wait, what?" I said raising my eyebrows at her, she smiled cheekily and shrugged, "they just said that they wanted you as the new face of Calvin Klein male underwear" she said smiling.

"What? No? I don't do that stuff?" I disagreed watching her smile disappear, "I know you don't, but you have such a sexy body that you should show off!" She said hoping over to my side and wrapping her arms around my torso.

"When is it?" I asked as she smiled, "it isn't for another 4 or 5 months" she shrugged. I narrowed my eyes, "alright, here's the deal" I said placing the cup down on the bench and wrapping my arms around Katy.

"The kids should be born before then, so if they are two boys, I don't do the shoot, but if I loose and they are two girls, I will do the shoot" I said smirking as Katy stepped back and held her hand out to shake.

"Deal" she said as I shook her hand, "deal" I repeated after her as she grabbed her phone, "I better lock it in then" she said winking at me before walking out of the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the Orange juice and put it away, I heard shuffling behind me and I turned around to see Warlock standing behind me.

"Hey buddy" I said as I grabbed his big bag of dog food out of the bottom cupboard and filled his bowl up.

I watched as he dug into the food, smiling before finishing off my glass of orange juice.

"Quentin" I heard someone say, I turned around to see Katy leaning against the wall, "you scared me, I thought you went upstairs" I said chuckling.

"I've been thinking really hard" she said as I frowned and walked towards her, she met me half way. "What about baby?" I said in all seriousness.

"Why don't we get this deal done early?" She asked me, I frowned in confusion. What does she mean 'deal done early'?

"What do you mean?" I said as she looked down at our fingers as they intertwined, "let's find out the genders" she said as I clicked.

She looked nervously at me, waiting for my reaction, but I just gave her a reassuring smile.

"Of course baby, if that's what you want" I said leaning down and kissing her lips, "but that also means if you loose you will have to do the shoot" she said as I rolled my eyes.

"Im going to call the doctors and see if we can get and ultrasound soon" she said and I nodded, "alright" I said kissing her forehead before she turned and walked out of the room.

I walked back over to the bench and picked up my glass and finished off my drink, as I put the glass in the sink I could hear buzzing from beside me.

I looked around quickly to see my phone lighting up on the bench. It was a random number, I frowned but answered it anyway.

"Hello this is Quentin speaking" I said placing my hand on my hip, "Quentin, hello, this is Chief Hardley" the person said as my eyes widened.

(Katy's POV)
-1pm the next day-

"Alright Katy, now hold still and just a warning, it will be cold" Dr Davish said, it's good to be back home so I have my original doctor back.

I've always liked Dr Danish, he is gently and kind, and he always asks my permission before he does anything. Well, that and his name sounds like the word Danish and not Davish.

I jumped a bit when the cold gel touched my bare stomach. I felt Q give my hand a reassuring squeeze.

I looked over at him and he gave me a warm loving smile, 'I love you' he mimed which made me giggle cutely.

I just squeezed his hand in response and turned back to look at my doctor when he placed the stick on my stomach.

As he moved it around, several noises appeared, they overlapped and sounded like weird drums, "can you hear that?" Dr Davish asked as we both nodded.

"They are the heartbeats of your two children" he said as I started smiling. My two little babies were well and truly living, and soon enough I will get to hold them.

I watched the screen in amazement as I could make out different shapes, "now, this is a head" he said pointing to the round shape on he screen.

I smiled wider as I could see my child, for the first time I could actually see him or her properly. I can't wait to touch their gorgeous little faces and hold them in my arms, protecting them from the world.

I will give them every I possibly can to make them happy and to smile each and every day.

"And there is the other head" he said pointing to another round shape, it was a bit smaller than the first, but it didn't make me smile any less.

"Well, I can see" the doctor trailed off as he squinted forward, clicking a button on the stick making it zoom in slightly.

"That you will indeed, give birth to....." I felt Q and I lean forward in anticipation to know what genders our children will be.

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