Chapter 48 - A Tattoo?

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(Quentin POV)

I stood across the street, just watching. I could feel my hands were in tight fists as I watched the real estate agent put a large sticker across the 'For Sale' sign in the window of my gym.

I could feel my body let out a large breath of air I must have been holding in as I can clearly see the sign now.


In big bold letters, across the window of the gym, someone else's gym. I smile as I take a step back before turning around and walking back home.

I really hope I made the right decision and I also really hope that Katy won't kick my ass for this...

I kicked a small pebble with the toe of my shoe as I walked down the familiar street I have been walking down for the last couple of years.

I won't be walking down here every night after work anymore.

I look up to see a couple walking towards me, but I smiled, not because of them, but because of the small boy the was walking in between them, holding one of their hands in each of his.

I could hear them count down from three and then they would lift him up in the air and swing him forward making him burst out into giggles.

I smiled and looked down as I passed them, so I didn't look creepy, you know, just staring at them.

I can't wait for that with Katy.

I looked up, just looking into the windows of shops as I passed them, but I came to hault at one shop.

A very familiar shop that I would walk pass, and stop for a couple of seconds each day. This is the shop that Katy and I stood at when we first met, when I saved her.

The memory flooding back to me, it was both a good and bad day.

I look up at the top of the shop, 'Off Ya Tree Tattoos' it read. I chuckled at the name, who calls a shop that, especially a tattoo parlour.

As I went to walk off I paused.

I turned my head to look back at this shop.

This reminded me of one of Katy's songs, I've heard it before, what are the lyrics........ No regrets, just love.

That's it! No regrets, just love.

I smiled before turning on my heels and walking towards the door before pushing the door open. I heard the 'Ding Ding' of a bell as I walked through door, I had an urge to screw up my face at the smell in this place, but I didn't want to offend them.

No offence to the owners, but this place smells like, hookers, bad alcohol and sex.

I walked up to the counter, seeing a man looking to be my age. He had slightly longer dark hair, a little oily looking.

His face was covered with piercing, and his black shirt was tight across his chest, his sleeves running down both of his arms.

As I stood at the front of the desk his eyes flickered up to me, his disgusting green eyes watching my from behind his clear glasses.

"What's up bro" he said as I nodded my head, "I'm here to get a tattoo" I said making him smirk, "your first time aye" he said making he smile.

"Is it that obvious huh?" I said as he laughed began typing something in. "Yeah, a little, your looking kind of nervous I guess you could say" he said shaking his head.

"Alright, well I'll go get Harry, he is good with the first timers" he said as I smiled. "Thanks mate" I said as he gave me a quick nod before walking off.

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