Chapter 2 - Time For A Work Out?

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(Quentin POV)

My eyes never left Katy as the doctor examined her and asked her questions, but finally we were allowed to leave.

"You know, you didn't have to stay" Katy said as we walked out of the hospital, "I was happy to" I said as I watched her just to make sure she didn't fall.

It was silent for a while as we walked, but as we neared my street she broke the silence. "So what do you do for a living?" She asked me, I smiled, "I'm a personal trainer, I own the gym a couple of streets down" I said putting my hands in my pocket. Katy was still wearing my jacket so I was little cold.

"So that explains why you had no trouble carrying me" she chuckled, I smiled and shrugged. "So what about you?" I asked her, "I'm a singer" she told me nodding her head, she looked at me kinda weirdly, like I asked a ridiculous question.

"This is me" she said as we stopped outside of a house, "wait, you live here?" I said looking at the tall building. "Yeah, why?" She asked frowning, "this place is massive, you must have a bit of money" I said laughing. She shrugged, "a bit" she said walking up the stairs.

"I only live down the street" I chuckled, she laughed, "we are sorta like neighbours then" she said taking off my jacket and handing it to me. "Goodnight Quen" she said smiling, "goodnight Katy, sweet Dreams" I said smiling, "you to" she said as she unlocked her door.

I turned to walk away, but as I heard her door shut, I realised that what I was doing was stupid. I quickly turned around and jogged back up her steps to her door, knocking quickly.

The door opened to a smiling Katy, "yes?" She laughed. "Uh, I was, uh, maybe wondering, if I could, You know, get your number?" I asked scratching the back of my back. Katy laughed at how quickly my words came out, "wow, are you blushing? Don't tell me your nervous" she laughed as I shrugged.

"Sure" she said holding her hand out for my phone which I quickly handed over. I watched as she typed with her bright blue coloured nails before handing me my phone back, I looked at the screen to see she set her name as 'Katy xxx'.

I smiled at her, "you should call or text me sometime" she said winking before closing the door. I stood smiling like an idiot before fist pumping the air, "yes!" I said laughing. I heard giggling from the other side of the door and I felt my cheeks flush bright red at the fact that Katy just heard me.

I turned and walked down the street, well, almost skipping at how happy I am. I got to my house and stepped inside, I'm feeling so happy with myself right now.

(Katy POV)

-Next Morning-

I woke up feeling my hair tickle my nose. I stretched my arms above my head, the previous night flooding back into my memory. I quickly shuffled over to the side of my bed to see if Quentin has texted me, but there was nothing. I looked at the alarm, 10:12 am, I've slept in, I sighed, a bit upset that Quen hasn't texted me, wait, it's only Thursday, so maybe he has work.

I sat up and ran my hand through my hair, "I think I'm in the mood for a bit of a workout today" I whispered to myself smiling. I picked my phone back up and texted Tamra,

'Hey, I'm heading to the gym around the corner from my place x'

I sent it and got out of bed, I searched through my draws for some tights and a singlet. Once I was dressed I ran down stairs and grabbed a banana and cooked some toast.

I walked to the front door and stopped when I reached it, "damn, forgot some make up" I said jogging back upstairs. I ran into the bathroom and brushed my teeth before applying some light makeup.

I looked at myself in the mirror, nodding at myself before walking back down the stairs and out the front door to my bike. I think I will ride there.

(Quentin POV)

"Alright mate, see you next time" I said to Max, one of the people that come here often. I picked up some dirty towels and chucked them into the dirty basket before looking around to see if anyone needed help. But my eyes stopped on a petite, black hair figure that walked into the door.

I smiled when she started looking around, I walked towards her and finally she made eye contact with me and her face broke into a gorgeous smile. She started walking towards me and met me half way, "Katy, what are you doing here, not that I'm not happy to see you" I said smiling as she laughed.

"I've come for a workout, do you think you could maybe help me out?" She asked shrugging, I laughed, "sure, come on" I said motioning for her to follow me. She gladly smiled and followed, I took her to the treadmill first.

I watched her stand on the treadmill, "just start of with the simple jog and find your pace" I said as I pointed to the up button which picks up the pace, she nodded and pressed it a couple of times until she was jogging at a normal pace. "So how are feeling, you know, after what happened" I asked seeing Katy's smile drop slightly. "Well, I'm alright I guess, I had a little trouble sleeping last night, but I think I'm fine" she said shrugging.

"I'm just a bit surprised that your here" I said smiling, she frowned down at me, "why's that" she asked looking back ahead. "Well, I'm pretty sure I haven't seen you here before, I would have noticed you" I said smiling and crossing my arms.

"I'm going to take that as a compliment" she said laughing, "you should" I said looking at the pace she was currently on.

Katy and I worked out for around and hour and a half before I decided it was enough for her. She was working herself very hard.

"Thanks for today" she said as we walked to the counter, she got out her credit card and held it out to me, I eyed the card then looked around the gym seeing no one was looking. "You know what, it's on the house" I said smiling and pushing her hand gently towards her.

She frowned, "no, I want to pay" she said holding her hand out again, I laughed and shook my head, "it's fine, but you will come back again, right?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Katy chuckled and nodded, "defiantly, see you later Q" she said putting her card back, "Q?" I asked smiling, she looked up and shrugged, "do you not want me to call you that?" She asked blushing slightly.

"No actually, I like it" I said smiling widely, she nodded and turned around to walk off. "Katy, wait" I said making her turn back around, "yes?" She asked.

"Would you like to go out tonight or something?" I asked running my hand through my dark brown hair, she chuckled, "are you asking me out on a date?" She asked crossing her arms. I scratched the back of my neck, "ah, well, only if you want to, I'm not forcing you or anything" I said putting my hands in my pockets.

"I'd love to go on a date with you Q" she said smiling, I felt so happy and relieved, "great, ah, I will pick you up at 7?" I asked her to which she smiled and nodded, "great, see you then" she said walking backwards, "bye" I said waving.

I was about to walk off when I heard a teenage girl scream, I looked back to see her standing in front of Katy, "omg! Can I please get a photo?!" She yelled to which Katy nodded and laughed.

I watched them take a picture and then the girl waved and walked off. Katy looked back at me, noticing I was watching her with a very confused expression, she quickly turned around and walked out.

What was that?

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