Chapter 25 - The Results

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(Katy POV)

My breathing hitched as the door closed behind him. Why did I do that?
I honestly don't know what I was thinking. I guess when I woke up and saw what he was doing, it just show how much he cares for me, and he was right there so I wanted to show him how much I love him.

But I went to far. I shouldn't have pushed him like that, of course he was going to react that way, I should have known.

I sighed and stood up from the bed and slipped my singlet over my head, pulling my hair out from the back of it. I walked into my bathroom and over to the sink, looking at my reflection in the mirror.

I am so lucky to have him, I am lucky I found a guy that still wants to be with me even though I slept with someone else and I could be pregnant with their baby. People like that are hard to find.

I picked up my face washer and rinsed it with water before wiping my face with it. Once I was finished I pulled out my tooth brush and tooth paste before brushing my teeth.

Once I had finished I walked back into my bedroom and picked up a hair tie so I could tie my hair up into a messy bun. I think I need to talk to Q, just so he is ok.

I walked out of my room and down the hallway to the stairs, I looked down towards the front door seeing that Q wasn't insight.

I frowned and walked down the stairs and into the lounge room, Q wasn't in there either. I was beginning to get a bit worried so I walked through to the kitchen, he still wasn't in there.

I quickly ran over to the back door and sighed in relief when I caught the sight of Q sitting of the grass looking up at the sky. I slowly opened the door and stepped out, the cold night air hitting my skin.

"Q? Are you alright?" I said quietly making his head quickly turn towards me, I watched as he stood up. I then noticed the house phone in his hand, my mouth opened and I looked up at him, "have the called? do you know the results?" I said quickly walking towards him.

He smiled softly and stepped forward wrapping his arms around me. I slowly slid my arms around his waist resting my head on his chest. 'So he isn't mad at me?' I thought as his thumbs rubbed my back while he kissed the top of my head.

"Your not pregnant" he whispered into my hair, I felt my inside explode with happiness when he said that. I quickly stepped away from him with wide eyes, "are to serious?" I said smiling widely.

Q nodded while laughing, "yeah, they rang just minutes ago, the test came back negative" he said before I squealed happily and jumped into his arms.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist, he lifted me into the air and began spinning me around.

We both laughed happily before he careful set me back down on my feet, "oh my gosh" I said smiling while covering my face with my hands and resting my head on his chest. "It's good news, isn't it" he said as we swayed slightly, "it's great news" I said resting my hands on his chest.

We stood there for at least a minute, just enjoying each other's company and letting the good news soak in.

"You know, you will be a mother one day, just hopefully not to his kids" Q chuckled breaking the silence, I smiled and looked up at him, "yeah I know" I said kissing him on the cheek.

I let go of him and took a step back, "ahh, listen , I want to apologise" I said playing with my hands as Q frowned, "what for?" He asked pushing his hands into his pockets.

"For what what happened earlier, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable or anything" I said. Q smiled and shook his head, "it's not your fault, I'm sorry I reacted that way, I just, I don't think I'm ready for that just yet, you know, after what's happened" he said.

I suddenly felt guilty for what I had done to Q, the way I made him feel uncomfortable and the way I hurt him. "I know, I'm sorry I pushed you" I said wrapping my arms around my stomach, "hey, it's alright, remember, it's in the past, let's start our future" he said stepping forward and placing his hands on my waist.

"That sounds good" I said as he smiled before pecking me on the lips. "Well, now comes the hard part." He said as he sighed and dropped his hands from my waist before walking back towards the house.

"Hard part?" I said confused as I followed him, he turned and looked at me as we walked back inside the house. "Yeah, I have to go and talk to my mom and move all my stuff, and you need to get back to Australia" he said closing the back door behind me.

"I'm not leaving without" I said stubbornly, Q chuckled and shook his head, "Katy, you need to, you have a tour that you need to do" Q said as I leaned back against my kitchen counter. "That may be so, but I can't just leave you" I said as he walked closer to me so he was standing I front of me.

"You have to, there is no easier way to do this" he said shrugging. I looked down at the floor as I tried to think of some way that I could help him. How could I do this. The has to be another way.

Then the most wonderful yet risky idea popped into my head. I looked up at Q to see he was watching me closely, "there is an easier way to do this" I said making him frown, "like what? I already told you that your not buying me a house" he said making me chuckle lightly.

"No, not that, something else, only if your willing to hear it?" I said making Q laugh and cross his arms, "I'm open to any ideas at the moment" he said smiling.

I took in a big breath, "well, you could move in with me?".

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