Chapter 37 - A Fun Night Out

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(Katy POV)

"Alright and just sign here" the receptionist said pointing to the bottom of the page, I smiled at her and signed my name, "Right, he is all yours, now just right his name in this space here please" she said pointing to the box down in the bottom corner.

I paused and looked at Q, "What should we name him?" I asked making Q shrug, "He is your dog, you get to choose" he said smiling. "No, he is our dog, its our engagement present" I said shrugging as he chuckled.

"Alright what about Benji? or Stanley" Q said scratching his chin, '"think bigger" I said laughing. "What about Warlock?" The receptionist asked, I turned to look at her. "Warlock? Like a fortune teller?" I asked as she smiled and nodded, "a very wise and magical name" she said chuckling.

"Hmm, Warlock, I like it" I said writing down the name in the box and handing the pen back. "You can keep the adoption papers and tomorrow you can come back and pick him up and everything will be done, we will also microchip him for you, just make sure you bring those with you" she said smiling as she pointed to the papers.

Just before I turned away, the receptionist "oh and congratulations on your engagement, you deserve it" she said making me give her a small smile, "what do you mean?" I asked as she looked down, "you deserve to be happy" she said making me smile bigger, "thank you" I said.

I smiled at her one last time before walking out, I linked my fingers with Q's and Tamra walked close by my side as we exited the building.

"Well, now you have a dog" Tamra said making me chuckle, "yeah I guess so" I said as Q gave my hand a little squeeze. "My only problem is I will have to get Kitty and Monkey to be nice" I said giggling as we got to our car.

We heard someone's phone ringing and we felt around our pockets, "it's not me" Q said, I pulled my phone out, "not me either" I said as we both looked at Tamra as she pulled her phone out.

"It's Bradford" she said answering it, "I better not be getting called in" I groaned as Tamra answered it. "Hello" she said as we listened to see what was going on, "did I? Oh shit" she said making me frown, "yeah, I'll come there right now" she said, "yeah, we are at the vets in Marvel street, thanks" she said before saying good bye and hanging up.

"What's up Tam?" I asked as she put her phone back into her pocket, "I left my bag at the arena, Bradford said he is going to bring it to the hotel for me" she said as I nodded, "we will take you back" Q said pointing to the car.

"Nah, that's ok, Bradford has already called a driver to come and get me" she said as I nodded, "did you want us to wait with you?" I asked and Tamra shook her head while waving us off with her hand, "nah, it's all good, go and have some fun" she said making us smile.

"Ok, bye Tam" I said as Q and I got into the car. "So, what do you want to do on your day off?" Q asked me as we got into the car. I shrugged as put my seat belt on.

"We can do what ever you want today, but this afternoon we have to go to the airport to pick up Shan and Mia" I said as Q frowned over at me, "who is Mia?" He asked me as he pulled away from the curb.

"She is another one of my friends" I said smiling, "ok, are they flying over so you can hang out?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah, Shan said she wanted to go out tonight anyway" I said and he looked over at me, "oh yeah, what have you guys got planned?" He asked as I looked out of my window, watching the streets pass us as we drove.

"Well Shannon said your invited, I think we might just be going out to a club or somethin-" Q cut me off, "I'm coming" he said clenching his jaw and tightening his fist around the steering wheel.

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