Chapter 52 - Home.

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(Quentin's POV)

I could feel myself coming back into reality, As I eventually woke up, I could hear the buzzing sound of the TV, I opened my eyes to see I was lying on the couch I looked around me and noticed Katy sitting on the end of the couch.

I frowned, wasn't she going out with Shannon tonight? I sat up making her look at me, I smiled at her and she looked away.

"What's up Kate?" I said as I noticed her put something in her mouth. I looked at her hand noticing a spoon was sitting in it and a large tub of ice cream was cradled in between her legs.

"Nothing" she mumbled as she attempted to scoop more ice cream onto her spoon. I shuffled over so I was sat beside her as she put another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

I sighed and grabbed the tub of ice cream and he spoon off of her. "Hey! What are you doing?" She said sitting up straight.

I put the ice cream tub on the table in front of us, "I thought you were going out tonight?" I said putting my arm around her shoulders as she cuddled up to me.

"We were, but I decided not to" she said as she leaned her head against my chest. "What? Why?" I said as I rubbed her shoulder with my thumb.

"Because my dress doesn't fit me anymore" she mumbled, I chuckled and kissed her forehead, "that's ok baby" I said.

"No it's not, if my dress doesn't fit me, imagine what I'm going to look like on my wedding day" she said, and I realised she was actually crying.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's alright, your going to look beautiful" I said cupping her face in my hands and stroking her cheeks with my thumbs.

"I'm sorry" she said wiping under her eyes, "are the hormones kicking in?" I said as she nodded quickly, "yeah" she said smiling as more tears started flowing out of her eyes.

I chuckled and pulled her against my chest while kissing her forehead, I rested my head back against the couch as I fixed my eyes onto the TV.

I don't know what movie was playing, some chick flick or something so I just sat back quietly and watched it.

After twenty minutes or so I felt the weight of Katy's head get heavier on my shoulder and the sound of her breathing get louder as she fell asleep.

I smiled and put my free arm under her legs before standing up with her in my arms. I walked around the couch while Katy stirred in my arms, I walked up the stairs being careful of where I was stepping so I didn't trip, I got to the top of the stairs and walked to our bedroom door before walking in.

I placed her on the bed and instead of disturbing her trying to pull the covers back, I picked up a black blanket that was folded on the end of our bed and unfolded it before lying it over her body.

I kissed her forehead as I heard the doorbell ring through the house which caused Katy to open her eyes slightly.

"What's that?" She mumbled, "the door, go back to sleep and I'll get it" I said as she nodded and closed her eyes.

I walked out of the bedroom and carefully shut the door behind me before jogging down the stairs to the front door.

I pulled it open to see a very dressed up Shannon, "Q? What's going on, where's Katy?" She said looking around behind me.

"She's asleep" I said pointing upstairs and standing to the side so Shannon could walk in. "Is she ok?" She asked with concerned laced in her voice.

"Yeah, just tired" I said as Shannon nodded, "we were supposed to be going out for dinner, and she just texted me and said that she wasn't coming" she said as we walked into the lounge room.

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