Chapter 62 - Practise Run

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(Katy POV)
-1 Week Later-

I sat on the couch with a tub of ice cream in between my legs, I scooped out a big spoonful of the cookie dough ice cream before placing it in my mouth.

I could feel the coldness against my tongue and the inside of my cheeks as I placed the spoon back in the tub, I picked up the TV remote and switched channels, the news popped up into the screen.

I heard Q chuckle beside me as I placed another spoonful in my mouth, even though I haven't swallowed the recent spoonful.

"What?" I mumbled through my mouthful of ice cream, "babe, you've eaten half a tub of ice cream, and you've changed the channel at least four time within the last minute" he said feeling around his pockets for his phone as it buzzed.

"So? I'm pregnant, give me a break" I said shrugging as I turned my attention back to the TV while Q continued to chuckled and unlocked his phone.

As Q was reading the message I turned the TV up slightly as a breaking news story popped up, the reporter sat at a desk while talking to the camera.

"Breaking News has just come in about the abduction of a child. Ben Loan who is a nine year old boy that was abducted from his home last Wednesday, reports have just come in that his mother was found dead in a park not far from their home, more updates will be given as details are released" The woman said as I frowned and sat back against the couch.

"Damn" I said as I turned the TV back down, "that's crazy, why have there been so many abductions? But now it's worse because a mother was killed" I mumbled as I put another spoonful in my mouth.

"Uh huh, that's nice" Q mumbled as I whipped my head around towards him, he had his head down reading a message off his phone, his eyebrows creased in concentration.

"Well no it's not" I said as he looked up at me, "what?" He said as I shook my head, "nothing, do you want a coffee?" I said as he returned his attention back to his phone.

"Mmhmm" he mumbled again, I rolled my eyes as I stood up from the couch taking the tub of ice cream with me.

I walked into the kitchen and chucked the spoon in the sink before grabbing the lid of the ice cream container of the bench and putting it back on.

As I placed the tub of ice cream in the freezer, an idea sparked in my head. I wonder how Q will act when I go into labour?

I felt a smirk form on my face as I peek my head around the corner of the doorway seeing Q spread out on the couch, his phone still in his hand.

I took a step back and sucked in a breath, "ahh!" I yelled as I placed my hands on my stomach, "Quentin!" I yelled again as I heard a thump from the lounge room before Q came tumbling into the kitchen.

I had to try so hard to stop the laughter from coming up from throat as he almost slipped over because of his socks. "What? What's happened?" He said with wide eyes.

"My, ow!! My water broke! Ahhhh!" I yelled doubling over holding my stomach, "what!? It can't have, its to early!" He yelled placing his hands on his head.

"Well I didn't just piss myself!" I yelled as I smiled slightly at the ground so he couldn't see. "Holy shit! What do I do! What do you want me to do?! Oh god! The babies are coming!" He yelled spinning around in a circle as if he was looking for something.

"Car keys! We need to get you to the hospital!" He yelled even though I'm standing right in front  of him.

He sprinted out of the room for a whole three seconds before his head popped back in, "just breath remember, big breaths!" He yelled before disappearing again.

I chuckled at the sound of loud, fast thumps up the stairs, it sounds like he done a bit of stumbling and tripping as well, I rolled my eyes as I chuckled, hearing banging from upstairs.

I leaned against the fridge door as I waited, "where the fuck are they?!" I heard his faint voice yell, I laughed at how unorganised and panicky he was.

After at least a minute, I heard his thumping coming back down the stairs, I regained my self and stopped smiling as I placed my hands back on my stomach before taking big breaths.

I watched as he bolted back into the kitchen, skidding to a stop before yanking open one of the draws where we keep our house keys.

"My god! Where are my car keys!" He yelled as he span around to face me, "just keep breathing baby, I promise everything will be okay" he said as his face was slightly flushed.

"Mhmm" I groaned as I squeezed my eyes shut, he quickly ran out of the room again, I could hear him moving things around in the lounge room.

I walked over to the fruit bowl and grabbed an apple before sitting down at one of the stools and taking a bite.

"For fuck sake! Hang on babe, I'll ring Shannon! She can come and take us" He yelled as I rolling my eyes.

I swear one day I will roll my eyes and they won't come back, I do it to often.

I swing my legs as I heard silence in the lounge room until he spoke again, "Shannon! Where are you?! Actually that doesn't matter! I need you to come and pick up Katy and I RIGHT NOW!" He yelled as I could hear him jogging back towards the kitchen.

"Because her water broke!" He yelled as he ran into the kitchen, he looked over to where I was standing before and I saw his whole body stiffen because I wasn't there, eventually he swung around and saw me sitting there, looking at him with a smirk on my face.

I saw confusion sweep across his face as I smiled at him, "hey babe" I said taking another bite of my apple.

"Katy?" He said completely confused, he pulled the phone away from his ear and hung up. "Wha-? Your water broke? You? You were in pain" he said softly as he frowned.

"Ok, so that practise run was a fail, for the real thing, you might want to be a little more organised" I said smirking.

"Practise run?" He said before he clicked, his whole face dropped, "you were joking?" He said as I starting laughing.

"Oh my god! I shit myself Katy! You can't do that!" The said running his hand through his hair, but he had a small smile on his face.

"Well I just wanted to be sure you would be ready for when the time does come" I said shrugging, "well now I'm going to keep my keys on my twenty four, seven" he said shaking his head.

"Why didn't we just take my car?" I said pointing to the key rack where the keys to my Audi were hanging.

I watched as realisation flashed across Q's face, "I didn't think of that" he mumbled, "I didn't think so" I said laughing.

"Now I need to ring Shannon, and tell her it was a false call" he said unlocking his phone again.

"No don't, let her figure it out" I said taking another bite, "you can't do that to her, that's so mean" he said shaking his head.

"Well tell her that next time she comes in here and eats all of my chocolate puddings" I said as Q chuckled.

I bought three chocolate puddings a week ago because I had cravings, but Shan ate them all on before I got a chance to eat them, so this is pay back.


Sorry for such a short update, just thought you guys would like some pregnancy fun between Katy and Quentin, hope you enjoyed it!

-Lilly xx

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