Chapter 36 - Found Him In The Gutter

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(Quentin POV)

"I'm so full" I groaned as I grabbed Katy's hand whilst we were walking out of the cafe. "You didn't have to eat it all you know" Katy chuckled at me, "then it would have been a waste of money" I said making Tamra and Katy roll their eyes.

"Great, paps" Tamra mumbled, at that word I tightened my grip on Katy's hand and pulled her closer to me while looking around, I finally spotted him.

It was just one man, crouched by his car, slowly moving towards us as he clicked his camera. "Great, I'm gonna look so bloated in these photo's" I said making Katy laugh, "don't worry, your still as fit as ever" she chuckled poking my stomach.

I was getting uncomfortable at the fact that this man was a little creepy looking, so I let go of Katy's hand and instead I wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her into my side.

I didn't take my eyes off the man as we walked to our car, most people would say I'm watching him, but it's more like I'm glaring at him.

Once we got to the car the man began walking quicker towards us, so I opened the passenger door for Katy and made sure she was in.

"Back off" I growled through my teeth, the man looked down at my right hand which was curled into a fist before taking a few steps back and lifting the camera up again.

I turned and walked around to the drivers side and got in before starting up the car, "he is gonna see your face in his nightmares tonight" I heard Katy chuckle as I pulled out of the parking spot.

I rolled my eyes and smirked at her, "I needed him to back off someway" I said as I shrugged. "So you used your scary glare to get him to back off" she said making me frown at her, "I have a scary glare?" I asked as I drove through the streets of Sydney.

"Yeah, you always do it" she said making me laugh, "I do not" I said as Tamra popped her head in between the two front seat, "sorry Quen, but you do" she said making Katy nod in agreement.

"Whatever" I mumbled looking out of the front window, "aww don't be ma-Q STOP!" Katy yelled making me stretch my arm out across in front of her and slam the brakes on.

I look around to see there was no person or car in front of me, "Katy? What the hell! Don't do that" I said leaning back in my seat.

Katy quickly opened her door, making me do the same as she ran across in front of the car towards something.

Katy squatted down in the gutter, I had no idea what she was doing until she stood up and turned around. "What the" I said as she held dog, it was slightly bigger than a puppy because Katy struggled to hold it with two hands.

I walked over to her seeing the dog lying in her arms, "it's still alive" she whispered as its stomach moved up and down.

"Quick, get in the car, we will take it to the vets" I said as Katy nodded and we walked back to the car.

We got in and Katy laid the dog on her lap, it was in pretty bad shape, it looked as though it had been abused. I started the car and searched through the GPS until I found the closest vet.

"I wonder what dog it is" Tamra asked as we drove, Katy shrugged but I looked at Tamra through the rear view mirror, "it's a Carolina Pup" I said as Katy looked at me, "how do you know?" She asked.

"My uncle ben had one when I was a young lad, it was very old and it passed away when I was around 10 I think, but they can get quiet big" I said looking over at the poor dog as I sped up.

"Oh" was all Katy could say, "hang in there little buddy" Katy said as she stroked it's head. "Does it have a collar?" I asked as Katy shook her head, "no" she said.

After around 10 minutes we pulled up outside a tall white building. I got out and jogged around to Katy's side of the car and opened her door, "here" she said holding the dog out to me, I took it off her and waited for her to get out and close the door.

When we were all out we rushed into the building to see a reception desk at the front. "Excuse me, could we please see a vet, it's urgent" Katy said sweetly as the woman behind the counter smiled happily before she saw the dog.

"Oh yes, of course, follow me please" she said getting off her chair and walking out in front of us and down a hallway.

We followed her, "may I ask what happened to the poor thing" she asked as we walked into a small office, "we don't know, we just found him by the gutter like this" Katy said as the woman walked over to a bed.

"Just pop him up here, I'll get the vet" she said as I nodded and laid him out into the table. Tamra and I took a seat across the room but Katy didn't, instead she stood by the table that the small dog was on, and she just stroked his side.

I watched Katy for a minute or so until the vet walked into the room, "so I here there is an injured dog here" he said as he smiled at us all before walking over to where Katy was.

I watched as he pressed gently against the dogs side and stomach. "Is ah, is this your dog?" He asked Katy and she shook her head.

"No, we found him on the side of the road and then brought him here" she said making the doctor nod. "Well who ever owned him, done a poor job" he said making Katy frown.

"The poor puppy has been starved, hence why you can see his ribs here" the vet said pointing to the puppies side where it's ribs where clearly visible. "And it seems that he has been badly beaten" the vet said sadly.

"We will have to do a scan to see weather it has been micro chipped or not so we can track the owner down" he said as we all nodded.

"This won't take long" the vet said as Katy nodded and walked back over to us before sitting down on my lap. I put my hand around her waist and stroked her side with my thumb.

-30 Minutes Later-

We waited outside in the waiting room as they took the dog to have X-Rays done. But once they were done the vet came out to talk to us.

"Well it turns out that the dog has not been micro chipped, so we are unable to track down the previous owner, the dog hasn't suffered any broken bones, just bruising and starvation" the doctor said as we all nodded along.

"So what will happen to him now?" Katy asked him, "well I doubt we will find someone to adopt him, because he will have to be micro chipped and because this type of dog is quiet rare he will cost a lot of money, so we might have to hand him over to the RSPCA" the doctor said making me frown.

"RSPCA, what's that?" I said confused, "the RSPCA is an animal pound that provides shelter and veterinary assistance for animals" he said to us.

As the doctor went to walk away Katy stood up, "I want to adopt him" she said out of the blue.

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