Chapter 4 - Stay The Night

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(Quentin POV)

I pulled up outside Katy's house and got out to walk her to her door,

"Do you want to come inside?" Katy asked pointing to her house, I shook my still damp hair, "nah, I have to get home and take a shower, and get dry" I said chuckling. I noticed Katy's smile drop slightly, "but I could come back, if you want?" I asked seeing her smile return, she nodded.

"And don't dress up, just wear something comfortable" she said smiling as she walked to the front door. I nodded, "see you soon" I said walking backwards towards my car, "see you" she said opening her door. I quickly got in and drove home to have a shower and get changed.

(Katy POV)

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body and one in my hair. I walked to the bathroom bench and got out my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth. I couldn't help but smile at the memory of tonight's date. It was perfect, he is perfect.

I rinsed my mouth once I was finished and put on some of my cheetah pyjama shorts and a white singlet before drying my hair quickly. I was so excited for Q to come over, I felt like a teenage girl all over again.

I literally skipped down the stairs and into the lounge room, looking through my movies, I finally settled on battleships, the movie with Rih Rih in it. I placed the movie on the coffee table and walked into the kitchen to cook some popcorn.

As the popcorn was cook I heard my doorbell ring through the house. I sprinted through the lounge room and stopped just at the door and pretended like I just walked there. I opened the door with a smile seeing Q standing in some grey trackies and a tight black t-shirt.

"Come in" I said opening the door wider as he smiled and stepped inside. "I was thinking we could watch a movie" I said as I closed the door behind him and we walked to the living room. "Sure, what movie?" He said as I walked back into the kitchen and he took a seat on the couch. "Battleships?" I said as I got the popcorn out of the microwave and out it in a bowl.

"Yeah, I wanted to see this movie, but I never did" he said smiling as I walked back into the room. "What's a movie without popcorn" I said handing him the bowl as he chuckled.

I placed the DVD into the DVD player and the movie started. I sat down next to Q and smiled as he placed his arm around me, I leaned my head against his chest as the movie began.

I could hear his heart beating and feel as he took every breath, I was really warm. His thumb continuously rubbed the top of my arm, his touch putting me to sleep.

-1 hour later-

*"come here darling, we just want some fun" a guy said, "no, please just leave me alone" I said trying to run away.

I started sprinting away but it was doing me no good, why was I not going anywhere, the men started doubling in numbers, I was crowded and suffocating. "Please don't" I cried as I curled up into a ball on the ground,

"Leave me alone" I cried into my knees*

"Katy?" I heard a deep voice ask pulling me from my dream, "Katy" the voice said again making me jump and clutch someone's arm. I looked around noticing I was curled up against Q in my living room.

"Are you alright?" He asked frowning in concern, "ah, y-yeah, why?" I asked resting down against Q again, feeling safe. "Well, you were moving a lot, and then you started crying" he said moving a piece of her away from my eyes.

I reached my hand to feel my cheeks, and they were slightly damp. "Sorry" I said as he smiled and kissed my forehead. "Don't be, what was your dream about?" He asked as I looked at the TV to see the end credits of 'Battleships' were playing.

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