Chapter 55 - Recpetion

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(Quentin's POV)

It was a fourteen seated limo, but both Katy and I were squished together on the one seat. My arm was wrapped around her and her head was rested onto my chest.

She had just changed out of her wedding dress and into a long white dress that has a slit down the side of her left leg.

She was playing with the ring on her finger, that was the only movement she was making that showed me she wasn't asleep.

"It's finally happened" she mumbled, I kissed her hair as she looked up at me, "what has?" I said as we linked our hands together.

"Your mine forever" she said bringing her face a little closer to mine, "I've always been yours" I said as I closed the gap between our faces.

She smiled into the kiss but didn't break it, I felt her small hand move its way up my neck to my cheek where it rested comfortably.

"So are you going to tell me where your taking me for our honeymoon?" She said against my lips as I chuckled.

"Not a chance" I laughed as the limo came to a halt. I looked out of the dark window to see we have stopped outside the reception location.

"Alright, after party time" I said as she smiled and I slid my arm from around her. The door on my side opened and I looked out to see the driver smiling down at me.

"Thank you" I said getting out before turning around and holding my hand out for Katy. She quickly took it and got out with my assistance before straightening her dress.

"Thanks" she smiled to the driver. "Your welcome ma'am, congratulations to you both" he said as we smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, and thanks for the lift" I chuckled as he smiled and bowed his head to me. "My pleasure sir" he said as we both smiled before walking across the red carpet to the front of the door.

"Listen" Katy said putting her hand on my chest as we stopped walking, "what?" I said frowning as I listened, but all I could hear was the soft whistle of the wind.

"I can't hear anything" I said as she smirked up at me, "exactly" she said nodding to the door. "It's to quiet, we should be able to hear everyone" she said as I understood what she meant.

Everyone should already be here, but it's dead silent. "Hmm, let's have a look" I said as she linked her hand in mine, "I'm jumpy, you go first" Katy said laughing as I chuckled.

"Alright" I said as we walked hand in hand to the door. I reached out to grab the door handle before turning it and opening the door.

The room was pitch black, "wha-?" Katy started to say before got cut off with the lights switching on and a room full of faces gleaming at us as everyone cheered and clapped.

I heard Katy scream as she clutched onto my arm and my facial expression was pure shock. "Please Welcome for the first time! Mr and Mrs Dimitri!" A man over the microphone yelled.

I looked back at Katy to see her nose wrinkled in laughter. "Come on" I laughed as she squeezed my hand.

We walked in, shaking hands, smiling and hugging people as we made our way through the room.

Finally we got to the back table to see our close family members. I smiled when I saw the whole Hudson family, but what shocked me was the only person from my family that was there, was Miranda.

I let go of Katy's hand as she walked over to greet her mom, dad, sister and brother. I walked over to Miranda as she smiled.

She pulled me in for a hug, "I'm sure father would be very proud of you" she whispered in my ear.

I smiled and pulled back, "thank you for coming, it means a lot" I said as she smiled, "the others wouldn't come, I tried" she said looking down.

Miranda is referring to my two other drugged up sisters. "It's alright, it's probably best they didn't come" I said smiling as she nodded.

"Plus, I thought now would be a good time to meet your brother in law and nephew" she said as I smiled widely. "Really? Where are they" I asked as she pointed to the right of us.

A tall man stood holding a dark brown headed child who was chewing on a biscuit. "And I thought Katy might have liked to meet him" she said as I nodded.

"Kyle!" Miranda shouted making the man look over at us and smile, she waved him over and he made his way over to us.

He held out his hand as soon as he got to us, "what's up man, I'm Kyle" he said as we shook hands, "nice to meet you, I'm Quentin" I said as he smiled.

"And this must be little Nate" I said as I smiled down at the young boy. Nate looked up at me and gave me a big smile, he only had two front teeth.

Kyle held him out to me and I quickly grabbed a hold of him. He was extremely light, but he would only be a little bit older than one year.

"Hey there buddy, I'm your uncle" I said as he squeaked out a laugh. "Kate, baby come here for a sec" I said over my shoulder.

I heard her telling someone she would be back in a second. "What's up babe, hey, whose this little cutie" she said smiling at Nate as she rested her hand on my back.

"This is our nephew, Nate" I said as she smiled at him, "hi gorgeous boy" she said stroking his cheek. "He's beautiful Miranda" Katy said giving her a one armed hug, "thanks, and thanks for inviting me" Miranda said as Katy smiled.

"Of course" she said as Miranda gestured to Kyle, "Katy his is my husband Kyle" Miranda said, "hi Kyle, I'm Katy" she said as they shook hands, "it's a pleasure meeting you" he said back.

"Here you go" I said handing Nate back to Kyle, "you've done well Miranda, I'm proud of you" I said winking at her.

"You've done well to" Miranda said winking as she held onto Kyle's hand, "I'll see you later matey" I said waving at Nate as he grinned at me, Miranda smiled at us once more before they walked off.

"That will be us soon" Katy said gesturing to Kyle, Miranda and Nate who were walking away together.

"Except we will be holding two boys" I said as she smirked and punched my arms, "no way man, they are defiantly girls" she said as I wrapped my arm around her waist.

"Come on" I said pulling her with me towards a very large and long table where our family members have sat.

"Katy! What's up girl" as woman said that I have never met before, "Rhi! Oh my gosh hi, I didn't think you would come!" Katy said as they hugged.

A couple more girls came over and greeted Katy with hugs, "Babe, this is Rihanna" Katy said as it clicked in my head.

"Oh my god your Rhianna, as in, you know Rihanna" I said with wide eyes as they laughed at me, I then around the faces of the other woman and they laughed as my eyes got even wider.

"And your Miley, Miley Cryus, and Beyoncé, and Madonna and.... Holy shit I need a drink" I said as they laughed.

All these famous female singers were standing in front of me, laughing as I made a fool of myself. "I'm so sorry I didn't recognise you" I said as they shook it off.

"It's alright" Madonna said waving her hand in front of me, "Nicki, Ella, Rita and Alecia are around here somewhere" Beyoncé said as she looked around.

"Aww, you all came, thank you" Katy said putting her hand on her chest and pulling a cute face.

"Wait? Nicki? As in Nicki-" Rihanna cut me off though, "yes, as in Nicki Minaj, and Rita as in Rita Ora, and Alecia as in Pink and Ella as in Lorde" Rihanna said as I was star struck.

"Wow, ok, I have loads of pop stars at my wedding, ok, not what I was expecting" I said as Katy chuckled and wrapped her arm around my waist.

"You all good" she asked as I smiled at her. "I'm perfect now" I said as I kissed her lips. Katy started laughing as all the girls began to 'aww' at our moment.

"Come on, let's dance!" The girls said as music started pumping through the reception area. "Come on baby!" Katy said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the dance floor.

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