Chapter 13 - Giving Up?

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(Quentin POV)
-8:00 pm-

"Katy, open up, please" I said as I continued to knock on her door. "Katy, please" I said resting my hand against the hard wood. "Baby, please, can we just talk" I said as I began knocking again.

I have been trying to get in touch with her all day, ever since she yelled at me. I really don't know what I've done.

"Katy, please, just open up and we can talk about this" I said, i turned my head when I heard the sound of a car engine. It wasn't Katy, it was someone else driving up the driveway. I frowned until I saw the car door open and Shannon get out of the car.

"Shannon, thank god" I said walking down the driveway to her. "Can you ple-" she cut me off by slapping me in the cheek. "Ouch, what is up with people slapping me today" I said rubbing my cheek.

"You deserve it you asshole" she spat in my face before walking around me and up to the front door. "Shannon wait, please" I said running after her, "don't touch me" she said turning around to look at me, "I wasn't going to" I said letting my head drop slightly.

I squeezed my eyes shut, "can you please just tell me what I've done?" I said finally opening my eyes and looking up at her. "You don't deserve Katy" she said before turning and unlocking Katy's door before slamming it in my face.

'You don't deserve Katy'

I knew I never deserved Katy from the start, but I have done something to make her hate me?

(Katy POV)
-2 Weeks Later-

I'm leaving on tour today.

I haven't heard anything from Quentin for days now, he has finally gotten the picture that I don't want to speak to him. But that doesn't mean I still don't love him.

I miss him like crazy, but he betrayed me. I thought he was different, but he wasn't.

"Come on Kate, let's go" Tamra said pulling me out of my thoughts. "Your fine, right?" Shannon said resting her hand on my back. "Of course" I said Smiling before turning back to Tamra, "let's go" I said as she smiled before turning and opening the door.

I could see the inside of the car light up with the flashes of cameras. I rolled my eyes and fixed up my ray bans before getting out behind Tamra.

I hid my face behind Tamra's back and held onto the back of her shirt while Shannon kept her hand on my shoulder from behind.

"Hey Katy, smile for us!", "how do you lip sync so well?", "not having much luck with guys?", "how do you manage do make men bored with you so quickly?"

Hurtful comments were thrown at me from all direction, but I have learnt to let them slide off my shoulders. Except this time they are about my love life, I honestly had to bite my tongue

Eventually we were inside the airport and the security kept them outside. I sighed and put my sunglasses on top of my head and let go of Tamra's shirt

"You good?" Shannon asked me as I smiled and nodded before we started to walk towards the VIP waiting area. But just before we got there I heard something, my name being called out.

Usually I just smile and wave because it's usually fans, or paparazzi. But I know this voice far to well.

I quickly turn around and my eyes search the airport. But I can't see this person. Great now I'm hallucinating.

I sigh and shake my head before turning back around, but then I heard it again. I quickly turned my body around once again, making Shannon and Tamra look at me weirdly.

"What's up Kate?" Shannon asked me, I held up my finger "shh" I said. Both of them went silent, looking at me weirdly, but I could tell they were listening as well.

"Katy!" We all heard it and looked in the direction of the voice.

There he was. Sprinting as fast as he could, dodging people on his way. "Eugh, don't worry about him Kate, let's go" Shannon said grabbing my arm pulling me with her back towards the VIP room.

"No! Katy wait! You've got it wrong!" He yelled holding up something, a magazine?

I stopped walking, making Shannon look back at me weirdly. "Wait?" I said holding up my hand, "Kate, why are you waiting, he is just like the others" she said pulling on my hand.

I sighed and looked back to Shannon before nodding. We all turned and walked away, and into the VIP room. I looked back to see the security holding Quentin back, as soon as we made eye contact, I felt all my feelings pulling me towards him. But I can't go back. Am I giving up?

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