Chapter 11 - Facing Russell

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(Katy's POV)

"So, your telling me, that Quentin saved you from being raped?" Shannon asked as I stuck a spoon of Nutella in my mouth. "Yep" I said before sucking on the spoon, "and why didn't you ever tell me about this, are you ok?" Shannon asked walking around to me and sitting on the stool beside me in the kitchen.

"Because it's not a big deal, and yes I'm fine" I said putting the lid back on the jar of Nutella. "Ah, Katy, it's is a big deal, has this not effected you at all?" She asked placing her hand on my back. "Not really, well, sometimes, but it's usually when I'm by myself or if I'm not around Q" I said shrugging.

"Well, thank god for Q" Shannon said smiling. Right after she said that, a shirtless Q walked into the room rubbing his eye. I smiled at how hot he looked, especially with his bed hair. He has put his jeans back on but they hang low on his waist, the waist band of his boxers showing.

"Morning" I smirked, "good morning" Q said as I pointed to a coffee cup sitting on the table. It had the coffee and sugar in it, he just needed to add the milk and water. He stood with his back to us as he poured the water into the cup.

I could see the muscles flexing in his back as he moved his arms. When he walked to the fridge to get the milk I looked over at Shannon, she was watching Q as well. Her eyes ran over his body, I hit her in the arm making her look at me, "stop" I mimed to her making her hold her hands up.

"Oh that's right, you have complete dibs" she whispered smirking before bringing her cup to her lips. I looked over seeing Q pouring his milk into his coffee, "have you got any plans today?" I asked pulling one of my knees up to my chest.

"Me?" Q asked walking back over to the fridge and putting the milk back. "Yeah" I said taking a sip of my coffee. "Well, I'll need to drop into work for a few hours, oh and talk to Mitch" he said picking up his coffee and walking over to stand opposite me at the table.

"Oh yeah, well I'm free today, so you don't mind if I come in for a work out today, do you?" I asked, Q smiled over at me, "of course not" he said, "and then we should go to the beach after to cool down" I said making Q smirk at me.

"Sounds good" he said smirking before taking a sip of his coffee. "Oooh, can I come?" I heard Shannon perk up. I giggled, "ah, yeah if you want" I said looking over at a chuckling Q. "I don't see the funny part?" Shannon said frowning, "don't worry" I said patting Shannon on the head before getting up and walking around to the sink.

I placed my cup in the sink and then walked over to stand in front of Q, "when are you leaving?" I asked sliding my arms around his waist. "Ah, soon, I'm going to have to get my work clothes, and another shirt" he said laughing looking down at what I was wearing.

I laughed, "ok, you might want to leave my house dressed, you know just in case" I said standing back and pulling his shirt over my head. I smiled and handed his shirt back to him, watching his eyes skim over my body.

He smirked but then looks over at Shannon, "oh, don't worry about me, I've seen it all" she said looking up from her phone. He frowned and looked back over at me, "it's not what you think" I said laughing.

"Yes it is!" Shannon said smiling at Q. "Stop" I said smirking at Shannon, "listen, Shan came on tour with me, she had to help me with my costume changes and everything" I said shaking my head and walking out of the kitchen.

"Well that makes more sense" Q said drinking the last of his coffee and sitting his cup in the sink before following me.

"Well, I have to go" Q said pulling his shirt over his head and walking towards the front door. "Ok, I'll see you soon" I said wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling his body close before pressing my lips against his.

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