Chapter 33 - Missed It

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(Katy POV)

"Quentin, wait!" I yelled as he ran out of the car and into the hotel lobby. He ran straight to the lift and pressed the up button multiple times. As I finally caught up to Q the lift doors opened so we could step inside.

As the lift started to rise, Q looked in the mirror that was the walls of the elevator, "look Katy" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him.

"What is it?" I said laughing, "it's your twin!" He said tapping on the mirror where my reflection was. "Is that my twin?" I said laughing, "yeah, she looks exactly the same, except for one thing!" He said smiling at my reflection.

"And what's that?" I asked as he spun his head around to face me, "your much prettier" he said making me giggle.

The lift finally stopped on our floor and the doors opened, we stepped out and Q took off running the hallway to our door.

"It's locked" I yelled as he tried to undo the door but instead he ran straight into it with a very loud bang, I couldn't help but laugh.

I quickly walked to Quentin who was rubbing his forehead. "Someone put that d-door in the way" he said pointing to the door.

I laughed as I moved his hand away from his forehead so I could see if he had hurt himself. There was just a red mark, "don't worry, you'll be fine" I said rubbing it with my thumb.

"But it still hurts, can you please kiss it better" he said crouching down a little so his forehead was at the height of my lips, I chuckled before gently leaning forward and pressing my lips against his forehead.

I then turned around to unlock the door, "all better" he said from behind me. I unlocked the door and stepped in before opening it wider for Quentin. Instead of walking in sensibly he had to run inside almost knocking me over in the process.

"Slow down" I chuckled as I closed the door and placed my handbag on the table beside the door, I turned around to see him walk into the lounge room and look around.

"Come on Q, it's time for bed" I said holding my hand out, he stood their and crossed his arms, "I want a kiss first" he said pouting his lips.

I shook my head, "you don't get any kisses until you are in bed" I said crossing my arms so I was mirroring his actions, he huffed, "fine" he said before walking towards me.

We walked into our bedroom, "ok, get changed for bed, I need to grab your pills" I said as he grabbed my hand. "You said I would get a kiss" he said pouting his lips, I smiled as he closed his eyes. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his warm cheek, he frowned.

"Not on my cheek, here" he said pointing to his lips and closing his eyes again. "Not until you are dressed, in bed and you have taken your pills" I said making him open his eyes.

"Now go" I said making him sigh as I turned and jogged out of our room. I grabbed my handbag that was still by the door and walked into the kitchen to get him a glass of water before walking back into our bed room.

Q now had his boxers on and he was pulling his shirt off. Once he finished that he let himself fall backwards onto the bed.

I smiled and out the glass of water on the bedside table and grabbed the bottle of pills the doctor gave me out of the bag.

I put one of the pills in the palm of my hand before putting the bottle back into my bag. "Ok, here" I said helping Q sit up, I placed the pill in his hand and gave him the glass of water.

I watched as he placed the pill in his mouth and took a sip of water before swallowing. He handed me back the glass and I placed it on his bedside table.

"Now, get in bed" I said helping him stand up so I could pull the covers back, he slid into bed and I pulled the covers back over him. He closed his eyes as I moved a bit of hair out of his face before leaning down and gently pressing my lips against his.

He smiled as we parted, "get some sleep" I said stroking his cheek before standing up, as I went to leave I felt Q grab onto my hand. "Before you go, can I ask you something" he said with his eyes still closed.

"Of course, what is it?" I asked as I sat back down beside him. "If I proposed to you, what would you say?" He said making me freeze, I felt a lot of pressure fall down onto my shoulders.

Then I remember back to when we were in the hospital, "Your in the hospital hunny" I said as he frowned at me, "why?" He asked. "It doesn't matter what you say, he isn't going to remember this conversation later when the medication wears off" Tamra said giggling.

Then it dawned on me,

"It doesn't matter what you say, he isn't going to remember this conversation later when the medication wears off".

He wouldn't remember anything he said, or anything I said, so he won't remember my answer to this question.

"Yes" I answered truthfully making him smile wider, "now get some sleep babe, I will be in the lounge room if you need anything" I said kissing his forehead before getting up and walking out of the room.

(Quentin POV)
-10:45 am-

I groaned as an awful feeling entered my stomach. My eyes shot open as I quickly stumbled out of the bed and into the bathroom the was connected to the bedroom.

I knelt down in front of the toilet thinking I was going to be sick, but nothing happened, the horrible sick feeling just kept eating away in my stomach.

I let my head drop as I let out a breath of air, what have I eaten? Wait, what did I do yesterday? Why can't I remember anything?

Was I knocked out or something so I can't remember anything, nah, that can't be possible because who ever knocked me out wouldn't tuck me into bed.

I sighed before standing up and stood up before turning and looking into the mirror. I didn't look pale, I looked quiet normal, maybe a little sleepy.

I walked out of the bathroom and through the bedroom and into the lounge room. Katy was sitting on the couch holding a cup of coffee with two hands.

"Morning" she said gently, "mornin" I mumbled back as I walked over to the kitchen. "You ok?" She asked me making me look back at her, "ah yeah, I'm just not feeling 100 percent" I said making her give me a small smile.

"Yeah, the doctor said you might feel a little ill" she said making me look at her, "doctor? What doctor?" I said making her chuckle.

"The doctor the helped fix you yesterday at the hospital" she said making me raise my eyebrows. "You don't remember, do you?" She said smiling, I looked down and thought back to yesterday.

"Wait, I remember leaving the hotel, and I got another horrible chest pain as we were walking down the stairs, and I dunno, everything is just black...... What happened to me?" I asked looking back up at Katy seeing her stand up and walk over to me.

"Another chest pain? Q how many chest pains have you had" Katy said tilting her head down slightly but still looking at me.

"I dunno, a couple" I said making Katy shake her head, "you should have told me" she said as I turned around to get a cup out of the cupboard. "It's nothing, I'm fine" I said making Katy sigh from behind me.

Then something clicked into my head, "what's the date today?" I asked Katy because I am confused, oh god, I really hope I haven't missed it. "The 26th, why?" She said making drop my head backwards and groan.

"Damn it, your birthday" I said swinging around and sliding my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me. "It was yesterday and I had a great day" she said smiling, I shook my head, "I never gave you my present, or took you out! Did I?" I said frowning.

"Well, no but it's alright there is always next year" she said touching my cheek with her fingertips. "No, I'm not waiting for a year, do you have a show tonight?" I asked her making her raise an eyebrow, "no bu-" I cut her off "great! Be ready by 7 tonight, I'm taking you out" I said smirking at her.

She studied my face for a couple of seconds, "fine" she said smiling before pressing her lips against mine.

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