Chapter 44 - Night Sickness

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(Quentin POV)

I could feel Katy's stare on the side of my face every now and then on the drive home, I felt her hand on my thigh as she spoke, "please just let me in, you don't have to do this on your own" she said as her thumb rubbed the material of my jeans.

I didn't answer, instead I kept my eyes on the road, "Quenitn, baby please" she said again, but once again I didn't answer, I heard a sigh from her direction as she removed her hand from my thigh.

Eventually, Katy couldn't fight her sleep, she drifted off silently. It was pitch black outside as I squinted through the darkness. It was silent except for the small sound of the stereo in the background and the light breathing of Katy as she slept.

It wasn't long before I was driving up our driveway, I parked Katy's Audi outside the garage in her parking spot and turned the car off.

I looked over at Katy to see she was stirring, I waited until she eventually opened her eyes, "we're home" I said staring out the front window.

I could see Katy stretching her arms out of the corner of my eye, she yawned as she looked around and undone her seatbelt.

I sat in the car as she opened her door but paused, slowly she looked over at me, I finally made eye contact with her, but something was different in her facial expression, it's not worry or pity anymore..... It's something else.

"What?" I said softly, she looked me up and down before she opened her mouth and spoke.

"This morning was one of the happiest moments of my life. My dream was finally beginning to come true. I could picture it you know, I could picture us, with a beautiful baby boy or girl in our arms as we laid together of a night, telling each other about how our days were" she said as her eyes poured into mine.

"I knew that I would be happy, but for some reason, it feels like you won't be, because you have this awful habit of bottling everything up and pushing me away" she said frowning at me, "I'm your fiancé, your future wife, the mother to your future child, I think I deserve a little more respect than what your giving me Quentin" she said as a little bit of harshness appeared in her tone.

"All I have done is try to help and support you, but you have just shut me down, I understand that your having a hard time, but it's not going to help going through it alone. I don't know why you can't trust me, talk to me or even look at me when ever something goes bad" she said waving her hand around.

"Is that how it's always going to be? You getting mad at stuff and then just blocking me out and making me feel like shit? You weren't like this before? So why have you started now?" She said as I looked away and down at my hands.

I didn't answer, because I knew she was right.

A couple of seconds passed before I heard her let out a big huff before storming out of the car, letting the door slam behind her.

"Arghhh, you've fucked it up again Quentin" I growled as I out my hands over my face before opening the door and shutting it behind me before running after her.

I rushed through the front door that was still left open and through the lounge room where I saw her black hair disappear through the kitchen door frame.

I rushed into the kitchen and caught her waist from behind, making her jump as I spun her around to face me.

"Yes I shut you out, yes I bottle it up, but the truth is that I don't mean to hurt you, that is why I do it. Sometimes I feel awful pain inside me, not physical pain, but mental pain, and when you walk into the room and start talking to me, I imagine you going through the pain I am and I can't bare it. I shut you out because I can't bare to out you in the pain I'm in" I said quickly as I cupped her face.

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