Chapter 14 - The Whole Story

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(Quentin POV)
-The Next Day-

I should have ran faster. I should have just yelled out what happened, maybe then, I would still have her in my arms.

I was now sitting in my car outside of the gym, I decided to try and ring Katy again. No answer. I closed my eyes and shook my head before grabbing my gym bag and getting out of the car.

I walked inside to see everything going normally, I frowned, why is the gym already open? Oh wait, now I remember, I asked Mitch to watch the gym while I went on tour with Katy. Well, that didn't go to well.

I walked through the gym and past the front desk. Mitch was standing behind it writing something down. When he looked up he was completely shocked and confused. "Ah, what are you doing here?" He said as I walked past the desk to my office.

He followed me into my office, I sat down and pulled the files out of my bag. "Are you going to answer my question?" He asked sitting down in the chair that said in front of my desk. "I'm not going on tour anymore" I said simply as I grabbed today's mail, seeing more bills.

I groaned, "I can see that, but why?" He said frowning. "Listen mate, I'm not sure if you have noticed, but I'm not really in a talking mood" I said looking up from the work.

"I think she is more important than work, don't you think?" He said, damn, why does he always have to make good points. "Of course she is" I grumbled before going back to my work. "Well, if she is, then why are you here, shouldn't you be chasing her?" He said leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms.

"No, I can't, you don't understand" I said shaking my head at him. "Oh but I do, the paparazzi put something in a magazine, and she saw it, now she thinks your cheating" he said smirking at me. "How do you know?" I asked frowning up at him and dropping my pen down onto the paper.

"I don't live under a rock, magazines are everywhere, I was bound to see it eventually" he said chuckling. "Ok, well, I asked if she wanted to go to lunch one day, and she said she was to busy, but my sister was in town so I went with her instead, and the paparazzi thought I was hooking up with Miranda, and now Katy hates my guts" I said running my hand through my hair.

"Listen mate, you track this girl down, and you tell her that. I know you love her and she means a lot to you, so don't let her slip away" he said leaning forward. "You do realise she is one of the most popular female popstars in the world, she is like the queen of pop, how do you expect me to get near her?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Listen, it's hard to instantly loose feeling for someone, I bet deep down inside, she still loves you" he said raising one side of his mouth into a smile. "I don't know mate" I said shaking my head.

"Ok, that's it, I will look after the gym, but you go pack some bags, get your sorry ass on a plane, and go get your girl back" he said pointing at me. "Thanks for that inspirational talk, but do you really think I have the money for that?" I said running my hand through my hair.

"What matters more to you, Katy or money?" He said raising his eyebrows. "You know she means everything to me" I said rubbing my eyes. "Than what the hell are you doing here?" He said before standing up and walking out of the room.

She means everything to me.

I quickly shoved all my paperwork and bills back into my bag. I walked out of my office to see Mitch smiling over at me, "I'm going home to pack and buy a plane ticket, can you drive me to the airport tomorrow?" I asked he smirked and nodded, "of course, now get out of here" he said pushing me.

I smiled and walked out of the door and to my car. I'm going to get Katy back.

(Katy POV)
-4 Days Later-

I was sitting in my hotel room when Shannon came back. She walked over and sat down close beside me on the couch, very close.

"What's up?" I said noticing the nervous look on her face. "Do you remember the picture you saw of Quentin and that girl?" She said biting the corner of her bottom lip. "Yes, but I don't see why you have to keep reminding me" I said grabbing my empty coffee cup of the table and walking towards the kitchen.

"Yeah well, I don't think you know that whole story" she said following me. "I know what I saw Shan" I said turning back around and looking at her. "And what was it that you saw" she said raising an eyebrow.

"The same thing everyone saw, he was leaning in to kiss her and he had his arm around her shoulder" I said feeling sadness take over me. And to be honest, jealousy to.

"How do you know he was going to kiss her on the lips, they never showed a picture of that, and surely to make it more believable they would put a picture of the actually kiss on the cover" she said crossing her arms.

"I don't know Shan" I said shaking my head, "well maybe he was just going to kiss her cheek, you know, things that siblings do" she said pulling her phone out of her pocket. "Siblings?" I said confused.

She just looked through her phone for a bit before handing it to me. I frowned, "just watch it" she said pointing to her phone, I sighed and hit the play button.

"Newest recordings of Katy Perry's ex boyfriend revealing the truth behind the secret hook up, reporters got pictures of Quentin leaning into kiss a girl, but a couple of days ago, Quentin was asked about the kiss and this is what he had to say" said the reporter before the video flickered over to one of Quentin.

I know I should be focusing on what they are saying, but he looked so hot in his gym uniform. I smiled slightly then listen on. "Quentin, wasn't Katy good enough for you?" Someone behind the camera said.

"Of course she was" he said looking angrily ahead, trying to push past. "Well then why did you cheat on her?" Said the voice again, "I wouldn't hurt Katy like that, the girl I was with, happened to be my sister" Quentin said before pushing past the reporters and jogging up his driveway into his house.

I clicked out of the video and handed it back to Shannon to see her watching me closely, "his sister?" I said feeling guilt build up inside my body. "Yeah, I got some people to research it, and it actually is his sister, her name is Miranda Dimitri" she said pushing her phone back into her pocket.

"Oh my god, I slapped him Shan, I hit him" I said covering my mouth with my hand, she looked down sadly, "so did I Kate" she said looking back up at me.

"I-I have to call him" I said feeling my pockets for my phone. My pockets were empty so I ran into the lounge room seeing it sitting on the table. I picked it up and quickly scrolled down to his name.

I clicked on it, "sorry this number is unavailable-" I clicked end call, and rang again. But once again it went straight to message bank. "He must have his phone switched off" I said chucking my phone onto the couch.

"Oh god Shan, what are we going to do?" I said running my hand through my hair.

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