Chapter 15 - Time To Get Back Together?

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(Katy POV)

"Katy put the phone down so they can fix up your make up" Shannon said grabbing my phone out of my hands. "Shannon! Give that back" I said trying to grab it, "Katy, he isn't going to pick up, stop trying, just get this show done and then, we will sort this out, ok?" She said resting a hand on my shoulder.

I sighed and nodded my head, she smiled and put my phone in her pocket. "Alright, let's do this" I said as the make up people finished what they were doing. I grabbed my microphone from an out stretched hand and ran through backstage.

I made my way under the stage to my starting point. I crouched down, hearing the crowd screaming and the beginning music. I closed my eyes and let out a breath of air, I felt a hand on my back, I opened my eyes to see a stage guy looking at me with concern.

I gave him a small smile and then looked down at my microphone. I can do this.

(Shannon POV)

I watched as Katy appeared from the triangle, she started smiling when she saw the crowd, and honestly, it was pure happiness, her fans have an effect like that on her. I smiled as I watch my best friend sing her heart out for her fans.

I nodded my head along to the beat, watching how every time Katy got near the side of the stage, hands would appear, as if they were reaching out to her.

I smiled but stopped when I felt someone pulling my hand, it was Tamra. "What's up?" I said once we were away from the loud noise. "There is someone outside that wants to see you" she said pulling my hand so I was walking with her, "me?" I said frowning

"Yeah you" she said as she let go of my hand but began jogging. I quickly started running so I could keep up, eventually we were running towards the entrance of the arena. But finally I spotted two people, a security guard and............. QUENTIN!

"Quentin!" I yelled making both of them look at me, "Shannon, thank god" he said walking towards me. Once we got close he took a step back and placed his hands on his cheeks, "please don't hit me" he said making me laugh.

I stepped forward and hugged him, he was taken back, but then he hugged me back. "I'm so glad your here" I said pulling away and grabbing his hand. "Listen I can explain" he said as I pulled him with me.

"No need to, we know everything" I said as we began jogging back stage. "We?" He said, I nodded, "yeah, Katy and I, we know it was your sister" I said making him smile. "So she doesn't hate me?" He asked making me laugh, "how could she hate you? She still loved you even though she thought you cheated on her" I said shrugging.

"That's good to know, not the part that she thought I was cheating on her, the part where she still loved me" he said scratching the back of his neck. "Well she has been trying to ring you all day, she feels awful" I said as we went through the backstage door.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, my phone died and I forgot to pack my charger!" he said running his hand through his hair. "It's alright, your here now, wait, did you fly to Mexico and buy a ticket to her concert, just so you could have a chance to talk to her?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Pfft no, I don't have that kind of money, I only just had enough money to fly to Mexico, I tried to sneak into her concert just so I could have a chance to talk to her" he said making me laugh out loud.

"Wow, you've got it bad" I said shaking my head. "I really do love her Shannon" he said smiling, "and she loves you to, which is why you need to get her back" I said leading him backstage. "But do it after the concert, this is only her second show, she needs to concentrate" I said leading him through people away from the stage.

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