Chapter 21 - Finding Him

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I looked behind me to see Katy slowly bend down and pick up the keys in her fragile hand, I watched her pick them up slowly and cradle them to her chest. I felt guilt wave over me as I left her standing like that.

But I need to think about this.

(Katy POV)

I watched as Q walked away from me, I held his car keys against my chest while tears slipped down my face.

Once he was almost out of sight I turned and slowly walked towards his car. Once I was at the drivers door I opened the door and slowly slipped into the car, I closed the door behind me and put the keys into the ignition.

I turned the car on and pulled away from the curb. I tried to blink the tears away so I could see better because my vision was all blurred, I sniffed as another tear slipped down my face.

I drove around the corner and parked Q's car in front of my house. I sighed while closing my eyes and I leaned back against his leather seat, taking in the smell of his car, it kind of smelt like his after shave.

I can't believe I slept with Russell, but he took advantage of me because I was drunk, I wasn't thinking straight, I couldn't even walk straight.

I opened my eyes and opened the car door before hopping out. I leaned back in and pulled the keys out of the ignition but as I did, something caught my eyes.

A small white box sitting under his seat. I know I shouldn't go snooping, but my curiosity got the better of me.

I reached down under the seat and pulled out the small box. It was a plain box, nothing special about it, until I lifted the lid up.

My mouth dropped and my eyes widened.

A ring sat in the box, it was swirly around the outside and a Dimond in the middle (see picture attached) it was flawless.

Wait, what is Q doing with a engagement ring under his seat? Please don't tell me he was going to propose and I just ruined everything.

(Quentin POV)

I slammed the gym doors behind me with force, the bang rang through the building. I gripped the roots of my hair and walked towards the dumbbell rack and kicked it. The Dumbbells hit the floor with a bang.

I turned around and picked up a dumbbell and threw it towards the window. I watched as it shattered the window. I couldn't control my anger. I lashed out and completely destroyed my gym out of sadness and anger.

(Katy POV)

"Katy how could you! And why am I only finding this out now!" Tamra shouts angrily as I sit on my couch in the living room. Tamra has been yelling for the last half an hour because I told her. It isn't right to keep it from her.

Q hasn't made contact with me since he walked away from me 2 hours ago. I'm getting worried, I don't know where he is.

"I was drunk Tam, I couldn't think straight" I mumbled as I pulled my sleeves over my hands and wiped my tears away. "Geez, Katy" Tamra said through her teeth as she ran her hand through her hair.

"You know I love you, but how could you do this to Quentin, where is he" she asked standing by the TV, I shrugged slightly, "I-I don't know, he didn't tell me where he was going" I said sniffling.

Tamra looking over at me, and her face softened, she walked around to me and pulling me into a small hug, I started sobbing on her shoulder. "Have you taken a test?" She asked me and I nodded slowly, "I took one, it came back positive" I said remembering me crying in the bathroom, the positive pregnancy test on the floor in front of me.

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