Chapter 64 - My Little Angels

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A lot of people said that they weren't happy with the ending so I thought I would give you guys a special chapter, this will be the final chapter of the 'Love Me' series, so please enjoy! Xx

-Lilly xx


(Quentin POV)
-1 Week Later-

I rolled over and stretched my arm out, hoping it would find Katy's small waist so I could pull her closer, except my hand just brushed over empty sheets.

I let my eyes open and slowly they adjusted, I could see Katy's alarm clock on the other side of the bed that read, 1:45 am.

I frowned as to why I was awake, I let my eyes wonder around the room, noticing I was the only person in it.

I slowly pushed the covers off as I got out of bed, I lazily pulled my trackies on as I walked towards our bathroom and opened the door.

"Kate?" I asked as I opened the door, but the room was black and empty. I frowned as I closed the door and turned around before walking to our bedroom door.

I opened it and peered out into the long, dark, cold hallway. I felt all my muscles tense as I stepped out into the open and he cold hit my body.

I didn't have to go far, in fact I took one step so I was standing in front of another door. I let my hand slowly raise until I was grasping in my hand.

Slowly so I didn't make to much noise, I turned the knob and pushed the door open.

I felt slightly warmer air hit my body as I stepped inside, I could see two small cots lit up by a small lamp in the middle of them.

One of the cradles were a bright blue, the other was a hot pink. Inside the blue one was the smallest little body, his eyes closed gently and his hand resting near his mouth as his stomach gently moved up and down.

I smiled as my eyes carried over to the empty pink cot that had a small elephant plush toy sitting in it, mixed with small blankets.

I looked towards the side of the room seeing a two seater, black couch.

Sitting in it was Katy, I couldn't see her face because her head was bowed.

I only just realise that she was looking down, at the adorable little baby silently laying in her arms.

I closed the door, Katy didn't look up but I know she heard. I walked over to her and lowered myself down beside her.

I smiled and wrapped my arm around Katy's waist as she rested her head on my shoulder. I kissed her hair as I pulled the blanket Olympia was wrapped in away from her chin slightly so I could see her.

I feel my teeth begin to show as I smiled wider when Olympia's small fingers began to wrap themselves around my index finger.

"We are so blessed" Katy whispered as she fixed Olympia's beanie that was ever so lightly sitting on her tiny head.

"You deserve this so much baby" I said as we watched her small mouth open wide as she yawned.

"Hey baby, shhh" Katy said as a small whine escaped Olympia's mouth, Katy began to rock her ever so gently,

As soon as Katy leaned forward and her lips touched Olympia's forehead, the room went silent again.

I watched as Olympia's eyes opened and two sparkling blue eyes met my own. "It's a good thing that she has your eyes, actually I think it's a good thing that they both have your eyes" I said ask Katy chuckled slightly.

"Whys that?" She said as Olympia's eyes closed again. "Because guys with blue eyes always get the girls" I chuckled as I looked over at Casper as he still silently slept.

"Well you got me, and your eyes are brown" she said lifting her head off my shoulder and looking at me.

"I know, but I was an exception, because God listened to me" I said shrugging, Katy looked up at me frowning, "God?" She said in a confused tone.

"I was 30, I didn't have a girlfriend, wife or kids, what do you think a grown man like that wishes for at night" I said as Katy smiled widely.

"Well God did answer your prayers, but he also kept me going for a reason as well" Katy said as I nodded, "and I'm glad he did" I said as I pressed my lips against hers as well.

We sat in silence as Olympia finally drifted off to sleep, once she did, Katy stood up carefully, trying to to jolt Olympia in any way possible.

I stood up and followed her as she gently placed Olympia back into her cot and pulled the blanket over her small body and placed the small plush elephant beside her.

I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind as she leaned back against me.

"Thank you for being my happiness, and bringing me even more joy" she whispered as her hands closed over the top of my own.

I placed a small kiss on her shoulder, "I love you more than words can say, and I love our family" I said as I looked at our beautiful children, peacefully sleep.

"Come on baby, let's go back to bed" I said letting my hands slip from around her waist but locking my fingers with hers as we walked towards the bedroom door.

"Goodnight my angels, mommy and daddy love you" she said as I smiled. I couldn't agree more.

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