Chapter 10 - I Think I Finally Found Him

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(Quentin POV)

I can't believe she teased me like that. She can't tease me and just get away with it.

Thoughts like that were running through my mind as I drove away from Katy's house towards my own. I am trying so hard to stop myself from turning this car around and driving back.

Maybe I should punish her for doing that?

I smirked as I slowed my car down and done a U-turn on the road before driving back to Katy's house. She won't tease me like that again!

I pulled up outside of her house but left my car on the side of her road so she didn't see it in the driveway. I got out of my car and quickly jogged up her driveway, I stopped for a second and looked at the windows of the house seeing her bedroom light on.

I grabbed the spare key from the safe and unlocked her door quietly before closing it and locking it behind me. I poked my head into her living room to see if she was in there, but she wasn't, it was empty.

I snuck up the stairs and headed to her bedroom, the door was slightly closed. I stood at the door frame with my back against the wall. I poked my head around to see my back haired beauty with her back to me.

She had just taken her pants off and was now pulling her shirt over her head. I quickly snuck in behind her as she was pulling her shirt over her head.

As she chucked her shirt on the bed I wrapped one arm around her skinny waist and the other hand I clamped down over her mouth. I could hear her muffled scream as she grabbed my arm.

I didn't say anything, I just listened to her heavy breathing, I noticed her eyes were squeezed shut tightly. I gently let go of her mouth but covered her eyes instead, she didn't say anything for a couple of seconds.

"What do you want?" She finally asked, I could hear the fear in her voice. The last thing I wanted was for Katy to be scared of me, so I will put her out of her misery.

I bent my head down and kissed her neck, "you" I whispered onto her skin.

Katy's eyes shot open and her body turned towards me, I smiled at her as her mouth dropped open. She shoved my chest, "you asshole, you scared the absolute hell out of me!" She yelled as she punched my arm.

I chuckled because she couldn't help the smile that crept onto her face. "I'm sorry, but that is payback for teasing me" I said walking over to her and wrapping my arms around her waist.

She smiled and leaned in to kiss me, "next time you scare me, maybe wait until Im dressed" she said after we pulled away. I laughed, "nah, I think I'd rather this" I said as she shook her head before picking her shirt and shorts off the bed and chucking them into the dirty clothes basket.

"Are you going to stay tonight?" She asked me as she turned around. I smiled, "yeah, I can't be bothered driving back now, and I can't leave when your not looking like that one can I?" I said pointing to her.

She smiled and crinkled her nose, "whatever, just let me get changed for bed" she said walking towards the closet, but I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

She squealed and wrapped her arms around my neck as I picked her up and carried her to her bed before dropping her down.

I was now laying on top of her, "I think your fine wearing this" I said winking. She smiled and ran her hand through my hair and she stroked the side of my face. "You know, I thought I knew what love was, but I wasn't even close" she said before leaning in and gently pressing her lips against my own.

I pulled away and smiled, my heart was literally blooming with happiness, "I really love you Katy Perry" I whispered onto her lips making her smile cheekily, "I really love you to Quentin Dimitri" she said still playing with my hair.

This moment was perfect, I couldn't stop staring into her blue eyes. I started laughing when she let out a big yawn, "that just ruined the moment, didn't it?" She said smirking.

I laughed and nodded, "yep, but you have the cutest little yawn" I said pulling myself off her and she leaned up and rested back onto her elbows.

"Well thanks" she laughed as she rolled over and pulled herself under the covers of her bed, I smiled and pulled my shirt over my head and then took of my pants so I was left in my boxers.

I walked around to the opposite side of the bed and got in, moving closer to Katy and wrapping my arms around her bare waist.

Katy's face was so close to mine, I could feel her breath on my lips. "I'm going on tour soon" she whispered quietly. I completely forgot about that. How can I last that long without her?

I closed my eyes, "how soon is soon?" I asked feeling her sigh, "3 weeks" she said making me open my eyes.

"Well then we will just have to make the most of the next three weeks" I said smiling and pulling her close. "Well, not exactly" she said making me frown and look at her, "what do you mean?" I asked as she moved a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Well, I was wondering if you would come with me?" She asked giving me a questioning look. I sighed, "I have the gym, I can't just leave, I need the money" I said disappointed.

"Well, what if I offered you a job?" She asked sounding hopeful, I frowned, "what job?" I asked making her smile. "Well, I need a personal trainer don't I?" She asked smiling widely.

I thought about it for a second, her smile was slowly disappearing. I looked at her, "sure, I'll go" I said smiling widely making her squeal with happiness. "Yes! But what about your gym?" She asked still smiling.

I shrugged, "I will get Mitch to watch it" I said smiling, "Mitch?" She asked confused, "he is one of the employees, he has worked for me for years" I said smiling.

"I can't wait" she said resting her head on my chest hugging close to me, "me either" I said kissing the top of her head.

"Night Q" she whispered, I hugged her close, "night" I said back.

(Katy POV)
-Next Morning-

I could feel arms tighten around my waist pulling me out of my sleep. I opened my eyes seeing my familiar bedroom. I looked behind me noticing Q hugging me from behind, still asleep.

I smiled and gently pulled his arms from around my waist before slipping out of my bed. I looked around for my bed shirt but then I remembered I didn't get one out.

I looked around the room noticing Q black shirt lying on the floor. I smiled and walked over picking it up and pulling it over my head, it is to big for me and stops at my thighs.

I walked back over and gently kiss Q on the lips before sneaking out of my bedroom and downstairs.

As I walked into the lounge room I noticed the scent coming off Q's shirt, it was his scent, and honestly, it smelt amazing.

I smiled and skipped into the lounge room before running into something, or someone.

"Ouch! Katy!" Shannon complained as we both hit the floor, "what the hell Shan?!" I exclaimed pulling myself up off the floor. "What are you doing, and why are you wearing hardly any clothes?" Shannon said pointing to my legs.

I shrugged, "for starters it MY house, so I'm meant to be here, and while I'm here, I can wear as much or as little clothes as I want" I said putting my hands on my hips.

Shannon raised her eyebrows, "oh yeah? Where did you get that shirt from" Shannon asked putting one hand on her hip and pointing to the shirt with her other hand.

I shrugged and walked past her into the kitchen smirking, "that is so a guys shirt!" She said happily, "is he still here? Is he hot?!" She asked jumping up and down behind me.

"It's Q Shan" I said shaking my head and heading to the cupboard, "really?! So you have complete dibs on him?" She asked, I nodded, "yep, he's mine" I said smiling.

Mine, that sounds good.

"Damn, I have second dibs" Shannon said making me turn and look at her with my mouth open, "joking Kate, jeez" she said laughing, "but he is hot" she mumbled.

I chose to ignore that, "You really like him, don't you?" Shannon said leaning back against the kitchen counter as I searched through the cupboard for something yummy to eat.

"Yeah I do Shan, I think I finally found him" I said smiling down at the ground.

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