Chapter 24 - Something Is Out Of Place

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(Quentin POV)

I played with the ends of Katy's hair as she slept on my chest. We were both laying on the couch, Katy's petite figured cuddled up against my side as she slept.

It's been a big day for her, and now we are just waiting on the results of her test. Slowly I untangled her body from my own and carefully got off the couch.

It was a bit hard since I was laying down at the back of the couch but eventually I was standing in front of her. I kissed her forehead and walked into the kitchen in search for some coffee.

I got a coffee cup out of the cupboard and pressed the button on the kettle to boil it. As I was waiting I noticed Katy's phone that was sitting on the kitchen counter was buzzing. I picked it up seeing 32 unread text messages and 22 missed calls.

All from a number that isn't saved in her contacts. I frowned and unlocked her phone and went into messages.

?- Are you or not?
?- answer the damn calls Katy!
?- don't fucking ignore me!
?- Katy please!
?- if I am the father I have a right to know
?- why are you ignoring my calls!
?- Answer my call!
?- listen, I will support and help you!
?- we will work this out and we will be happy together, for the baby.

My eyes widened and anger flared through my body 'we will be happy together' I read that bit in the last message I saw over and over again...... 'Together'.

There is no way he is going near her!

I clicked on his number and held the phone to my ear, it called twice before he answered. "Katy! Thank god!" He said letting out a breath of air, "leave her alone, I mean it" I said in the most calm voice I could put on, but with a bit of venom streaming through it.

"Wait? Who is this?" Russell said making me clench my fists, "I am warning you now, if you don't stop harassing her I will snap your neck, got it?" I said through my teeth.

I heard a sigh on the other end of the line, "Quentin, it's nice to hear from you again" he said in a serious voice. "I mean it, don't push me." I said leaning back against the cupboards so I could peer onto the lounge room. Katy is still fast asleep on the couch.

"Listen Quentin, if she is pregnant with my kid, I'm not going to pretend it's not mine, I will be in their lives" he said making scrunch up my eyes, "no you fucking won't, I won't let you ruin Katy's life, or the babies for that matter" I said opening my eyes, seeing Katy's small figure curl up into a ball, has she woken up?

"So she is pregnant?" I heard Russell sigh, "no, we don't know, we are waiting on test results" I said, wait why the hell am I telling him this?!

"Will you tell me the results?" He said as I clenched my jaw together. "Yes, and then that will be the end, you will contact neither Katy or the child if there is one and if you do try, I will shove your head up your ass so far you won't be able to reach it" I said before pulling the phone away from my ear and ending the call.

I sighed and leaned back against the counter, placing Katy's phone back on the bench. I sighed and looked back into the lounge room, before smiling and walking towards Katy.

Once I reached the couch I squatted down so my face was near hers. I pushed back a fallen strand of her black hair before kissing her forehead. She crinkled her nose the slightest bit when my lips came into contact with her skin.

I smiled and stood up before bending down and placing my arms under her legs and shoulders before lifting her up so she was cradled in my arms. She rested her head in the crook of my neck as I walked around the couch and up the stairs.

I took her up to her room and laid her down on the bed before pulling the covers over her body, I debated weather I should change her into something a little more comfortable to sleep in. I don't want to invade her privacy but I defiantly don't want her to be uncomfortable, so after thinking, I pulled the covers back.

I unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her legs until they were at her ankles and I slipped them off her. I chucked them over to the hamper before turning around and began unbuttoning her shirt.

Once her shirt was unbuttoned I helped her up into a sitting position and she woke up slightly. She was half awake and half asleep. I slowly slid the shirt off her arms before resting her back down against her pillows.

I chucked her shirt in the dirty hamper before walking over to her closet and pulling out a plain black singlet and her sleeping shorts.

I walked back over seeing that she had her eyes open and she was watching me. She still looked half asleep though, so I slipped her shorts over her feet and began pulling the up her legs and to her waist.

As I was about to help put her shirt on I was stopped by her hand on my cheek. I looked up at her face to see her watching me, she smiled at me. "I love you" she whispered before leaning forward and pressing her lips against my own.

I held her bare waist as her hands travelled up into my hair, she began kissing me harder. I began enjoying myself as she let her hands travel down my hair, to my neck, down my chest until she was holding onto the bottom of my shirt.

As she began pulling up my shirt, awful images popped into my head. Russell Brands hands on her body.

Katy pulled my shirt right up so my torso was revealed before I pulled away. My shirt dropping back down.

Katy looked at me confused as I stared into thin air. Something felt out of place.

"A-Ah, umm, here, I will be down stairs of you need anything, goodnight" I said quickly handing her the singlet and kissing her forehead before turning around and walking out of the bedroom without looking back behind me.

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