Chapter 9 - Heading Back To LA

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(Katy POV)

"Can I open my eyes yet?" Q said as I pulled him by the hand. It's been a while since I've visited Santa Barbara so I thought I might show Q my favourite part about it, the Beach.

"Not yet, we are almost there" I said as we walked along the sidewalk towards my favourite bit of the beach. "You know, this place is amazing" Q said as we began casually walking, we would look like a completely normal couple, well, if Q didn't have a scarf around his eyes.

"How so?" I asked watching the side of his face, "it just has a homey feel, and it's almost secretive, like not many people know it exists, but I think a lot of people do" he said smiling with his teeth.

I stopped at the top of the beach, "ok, take your shoes off, and socks" I said as I removed my converse, "ok" Q said sounding unsure but he still took off his shoes. I picked up my shoes and he held onto his, "ok, are you ready?" I asked him as I walked around to stand behind him.

"Yeah" he said, I could hear a smile in his voice. I smiled as I undone the scarf and pulled it away from his eyes. I walked around to stand beside him, he was smiling while looking around.

"This place is beautiful" he said wrapping his arms around my waist and standing behind me. "It is, and especially closer to night time, that's why I brought you here now" I said pointing out towards the sunset.

"It's amazing Kate" he said resting his cheek against my head. "Come on" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him down the sand. I could feel the warmth of the sand as I took each step.

I walked over to the big rocks near the water and began climbing up them, "whoa whoa whoa, Katy be careful" Q said as I began pulling myself up the rocks. I smiled at the concern in his voice, I turned and looked down seeing him ready to catch me if I fell.

"Come on Q, it's completely safe, I used to do this when I was younger" I said still climbing, "are you sure it's safe?" I heard him yell, but he began climbing, "I'm sure, trust me" I said trying to find my footing.

"I do trust you" I heard him say, I smiled as I finally pulled myself onto the top of the rock. I smiled down at Q who was easily pulling himself up the rocks. I couldn't help but watch the muscles flex in his arms as he pulled himself up.

I didn't think it would be possible, but I am feeling even more attracted towards him. Q pulled himself up onto the rock I was sitting on, and sat down next to me. "Well, I didn't know you could climb like that" he said shuffling himself closer to me.

"There are plenty of things you wouldn't know I could do" I said smiling as he slipped his arm around my waist. "Oh yeah? Like what?" He said chuckling, I shrugged, "it's a surprise, so you will just have to wait and see" I said resting my head on his shoulder.

It was a peaceful quiet for a couple of minutes, it was just us enjoying each other's company, I could hear Q gently breath and I could feel the warmth of his skin as it rests on mine.

"Hey Katy, I have been meaning to ask you something, but it may be a bit of a touchy subject" Q said making me frown and look up at him, "ok, ask me" I said turning myself around to face him.

"Well, I was talking to someone, I'm not going to name anyone, but they said that the way your last relationship ended, it almost took you from them, what did they mean by that?" He asked rubbing my arm with his hand.

I looked down, "uh, they were probably referring to my divorce with Russell" I said. When his name left my mouth it felt like poison on my tongue. "Oh yeah, I heard about you two, Russell Brand wasn't it?" He said and I nodded.

"Anyway, he told me he wanted a divorce, and I would have been able to handle it, if it wasn't over text and because I didn't want to have a child at that point in time" I said playing with my fingers.

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