Chapter 45 - The UltraSound

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(Quentin POV)

I held Katy's hand tightly in mine as we followed the doctor down the hallway to his office. I looked over slightly so I was looking at the side of Katy's face, she had make up on but not an extreme amount, so she looked like Katy Perry but with a slight bit of Katheryn Hudson.

She obviously felt me staring at her because her eyes switched to meet mine, she gave me a small smile, before looking back at the doctor as he stopped at a door and opened it.

"After you" the doctor said letting us walk in before him, I placed my hand on the bottom of Katy's back where it rested comfortably as she walked into the room with me following.

I let Katy choose one of the two seats sitting in front of the doctors desk, I then sat down in the seat that was left over.

I rubbed my hands along my thighs, pulling at the fabric of my jeans as the doctor sat down at his desk and started tapping away on the computer.

"Ok, Hello Katheryn, I'm Dr Tillien, it's nice to meet you" Dr Tillien said looking up at Katy and smiling, "hi, you can just call me Katy, and this is my fiancé Quentin" Katy said gesturing to me.

As she did she made eye contact with me and frowned before touching my arm, "baby you ok?" She asked as her thumb rubbed my arm. "Yeah, all good" I said clearing my throat and looking back at the doctor.

"Are you sure Quentin? You are looking quiet pale" the doctor said frowning over at me, "Yep" I mumbled, "I think he is just worried" Katy said making me look at her.

I sighed and nodded, knowing she was right, "what is worrying you so badly?" Dr Tillien asked me, "the baby" I said running my hand through my hair.

"The baby?" The doctor said confused, "yes, I'm around 7 weeks pregnant" Katy said making the doctor look over at her before typing on his computer.

"Ok, well I'm glad that came up, so I'm aware, are you seeing me today because of something that is related to your pregnancy, or because of something else?" The doctor asked looking up at Katy.

"I'm here about my pregnancy" Katy said making me begin to feel worried again, it's just not normal, the amount of times Katy is vomiting, surely that isn't normal in a pregnancy, I hope our baby is ok.

"Alright, tell me, what is wrong?" Dr Tillien said looking away from his computer and locking his hands together on the desk in front of him, it was like a gesture to show us he was listening.

"Well, we are getting a little bit worried, because I have been vomiting a lot lately, but I'm not just vomiting of a morning, I have been vomiting of a night as well, and. So far it has been around three nights in a row, then it would stop, but then it would start again" Katy explained as the doctors eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

"Is that any indication of the baby being in bad health? Or even Katy?" I said reaching over and grabbing her hand in mine, but not taking my eyes off the doctor.

"Hmm" he doctor said leaning back in his chair, "nothing is for sure, vomiting is usually a sign of a baby developing and with pregnancy, vomiting is extremely common, but it is mostly morning sickness" the doctor said taking off his glass and picking up a cleaning cloth.

"I can't remember the last time I came across a woman that was vomiting like you have been for a long time" Dr Tillien said cleaning his glasses before putting them back on.

"I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the baby or yourself Katy, but if it is ok with the both of you, I think we should do some tests" Dr Tillien said to us.

I looked over at Katy, I wasn't going to make the decision for her, I wouldn't force her to do anything, she looked back at me with a worried look.

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