Big Problem

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Ok, I'm so sorry but this is the first account I was able to log into in such little time,

I won't be updating on this account or my other account for a while because there is a actually a fast spreading fire that was caused by a lightning storm heading towards our house/town, we have had to evacuate and we got out just in time as well.

The smoke was thick and I could hardly breath because the fire was upon us before we were warned.

So I'm hoping our whole town is safe but I can't say the same for our houses yet, I hope ours survived, all my Katy mercy was still in the house, I could only grab my Katy Perry singing tiger doll and that was it. But that's not the most important thing even though it's still sad.

Anyway, I won't have any access to wifi for a while but I honestly don't think I can update since will have a lot on my mind,

I hope you all understand, and if there are any Australian readers, stay safe, it's getting hot in Aus, meaning more and more fires....

I love you all xx

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