Chapter 49 - What Could He Have Done?

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(Quentin POV)

I walked inside the hotel room and took off my jacket before hanging it up, "ow, shit that fucking hurts" I said pulling my shirt off over my head and examining the bandage where my tattoo is.

I slowly pulled the top of the bandage off so I could just see the tattoo, it was red, very red.

I walked into the kitchen with my shirt dangling from my hand, I pulled my phone out of my pocket before sitting my shirt on the kitchen bench.

I grabbed the top of the bandage and pulled it off fully before placing it down on the bench. I unlocked my phone and clicked onto messages, I tapped Katy's name and the pressed the message section.

I clicked on the photo icon and hit 'take a photo'. I turned the camera around so it was facing me before holding it near my chest, so I could get a clear shot of the tattoo.

I took the picture and smiled before hitting send.

I put my phone down and picked the bandage back up and placing it back over my chest, the sticky tape around it isn't so sticky anymore though.

I turned around and walked over to the medicine cabinet before pulling it open and rummaging around it until I finally found some exercise tape, that will have to do.

Once I taped the bandage back up and slipped my shirt back over my head I picked up my phone and typed a message to Katy again.

'No Regrets, Just Love.'

I hit send before locking my phone and shoving it into my pocket, I smiled before turning around and walking back through the lounge room.

The I remembered I had to do something.

I quickly turned and sprinted up the stairs into our bedroom and over to my bedside table. I pulled open my top draw and pulled out my laptop before turning it on.

(Katy POV)

I could feel myself almost fall over at the force of someone tugging the back of my firework outfit off, I could still hear the crowd and a buzzing inside my head.

Once I was free of the heavy part of the costume I felt someone grab my hand and pull me away from the crowded backstage area.

When I could finally breath and see properly I gave a thankful smile to Tamra who was still holding my hand, guiding me down the corridor.

"You doin ok?" She asked wrapping her arm around my shoulders, "yeah, just tired" I mumbled giving her a small smile.

"Well I have something to tell you that could make you feel a whole lot better" she said opening the dressing room door for me.

I stepped inside and she closed the door behind her once she was in the room, "what is it?" I said turning around and motioning for her to unzip me.

"Well, I knew that you couldn't hold up with doing as many shows as you have left which I think is like, fifteen, I mean you only just got through this one" Tamra said as she unzipped me.

As she was talking I could hear her voice become slightly quieter as she turned away from me, giving me privacy to change.

"So, with the help of Bradford and Steven we were able to change a couple of Arena shows to Stadium shows, meaning you could be doing the space of two arena shows in one night" she said as I finally got out of the costume.

"Are you serious?!" I said happily as I pulled on my trackies, "yeah, which also means the tour will be finishing earlier" she said as I chuckled on one of my tour jackets.

"How early?" I said turning back around and walking over to her, "you'll be home in a a week and a half, two weeks at the most" she said handing me a bottle of water with a smile.

"That's so great, thank you so much Tam!" I said pulling her into a hug, "yeah yeah, I'm great I kn-" Tamra was cut off by the ringing of my phone in her hand.

"I'll answer, just in case" she said making me frown, "why? Who is it?" I said looking at the screen seeing an unknown number appear.

"It could be a fan that got your number, so I'll answer" she said and I nodded. She pressed 'accept' and held the phone to her ear.

"Hello?" She said as I waited patiently, "wait, officer?" She said as I frowned, "oh uh, Katheryn, yeah she is here" she said holding the phone out to me slowly.

"Who is it?" I whispered as I covered the mouth piece of the phone. "No one good" she muttered as she sat down.

I frowned and placed the phone to my ear, "hello this is Katy speaking" I said down the phone, "hello Miss Hudson, my name is Chief Officer Hardley, how are you today?" He said making small talk.

Officer? As in the police?

"I'm very well thank you, can I ask why you are calling?" I said confused, "yes of course, I'm calling in regards of Quentin Dimirtri, I was told you are the one to be contacted because we cannot get ahold of him personally" he said.

My heart drop and then shot up into my throat, I looked at Tamra with wide eyes, "oh god Katy, what have you done now" Tamra said shaking her head with a scared look.

"Ah, y-yeah, Quentin is my fiancé, is everything alright?" I said nervously, Q can't have broken the law or gotten in trouble with the cops!

His heart is the kindest one I know, he wouldn't know what the word hate means, that proves how pure he is. What do the cops want with him?

"Yes ma'am, I would just like to schedule an interview with him so I could ask him a few questions, do you know of anyway we could get ahold of him?" He asked me, "yes, you can try calling our home phone, I am not at home right now and he is, you should be able to contact him that way" I said.

"Thank you" he said before I told him our home phone number, "thank you very much Miss Hudson, have a good day" he said, "thanks, you too" I said quietly before hanging up.

"What the fuck has he done" I muttered dropping my phone onto the couch, "was he after Quentin?" Tamra asked as I ran my hands through my hair.

"Ah yes, he was" I said as I flopped myself down into one of the chairs. "Why were they looking for him?" Tam asked with a confused expression on her face.

"They said something about an interview" I mumbled staring off into space. "What the hell could he have done that was so bad for a Chief Office to be calling around for him" I muttered as I tapped my finger against the hard leather of the seat.

"It's Quentin we're talking about, he can't have done something wrong" Tamra scoffed but I looked up at her, "then why is the chief of police looking for him?" I asked making Tamra sigh, "I have no clue Kate"

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