Toothless - Part 2 - Kidge.

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Six Months Later..

"And how do it tastes?" Katie curiously asked, kneeled beside her partner, her hands scrunching her trousers at her thighs as she watched him eat a cooled down Muffin that was baked just that morning. 

"Revolting. It's the most awful thing I've ever eaten in my life" Keith huffed out with a deep and disgusted frown on his lips, glaring down at the muffle held in his hand that held a single bite in it. 

"Are you sure you're not just lying to me so it stings less?" Katie asked with a teasing smirk as she leaned closer, leaning into his personal space bubble and glancing between the muffins and his crumb covered lips. 

"Why would I lie? I don't like nuts. It's filled with nuts" Keith deadpanned as he raised an eyebrow, turning the muffin and letting her spot the crushed and chopped nut's shoved inside the muffin. 

"Poor baby" Katie teased back, grinning up at him as she was suddenly laying beside him with her head resting in his offered lap. She rather liked her super speed when it helped her to sneak in to extra lazy cuddles. 

"You wanted to know how it'd taste and I took the risk for you and now you're insulting me. Next meal you want to hear about it never happening" Keith grumbled back, pretending to be upset with her but the smirk taking over his lips soon showed how playful he was being. 

"I've seen vampires eat human food before .. why can't you?" Lance asked curiously from where he sat with his back to another tree to t heir right, a muffin in his hands and happily munching away at it. Savouring the flavour unlike his fellow hunter. 

"We don't have the same taste buds as you do. It was a horrible experience when I found out. Testing to see if I can still eat human food or at least survive on it. Everything was just .. tasteless. I could swallow the food but it was like shoving mud down my throat. When Keith eats, he can taste the food I can't. I reply on him to tell me all my dirty food details so I can drool over the thought" Katie answered with a sadden frown, her eyes falling close as she felt Keith run his free hand through her hair helping to sooth her as he knew she still struggled accepting all she's lost once she's turned, lost her feeling of human. 

"I'm the worse person for her to reply on over taste since I'm no expect. I just say if it's nice or not half the time" Keith admitted with a weak smile as he lowered his gaze down to the new breed of vampire staring up at him. Feeling her wiggle her head on his lap, reminding him that they were still here, still a team. 

"Can you survive on human food?" Shiro asked from where he sat crossed legged in the grass between the two trees on the outer line of the village. The open space made a nice get away for the three hunters and vampire after an eventful rescue and attack at a close by vampire camp. 

"..No" Katie quietly answered with knitted brows.

"I share my blood with her. She's never took a meal from someone else before. Never. She doesn't want to hunt anyone down like prey. I offer my blood and she feeds once every two days. Sometimes longer I need my strength and than she'd feed a little each day to fill herself" Keith explained as he took notice over the man he saw a brother's concerned look aimed towards him over her feeding habits. Keith took care to write letters to his brother over his new .. partner but purposely missed out mentioning over her race to protect her. Shiro was very understanding and accepting as they met up with him for another recuse some months back but he was still worried for Keith's safety over her .. blood lust habits and Keith had purposely been advoiding any unwelcoming topics his brother clearly wished to speak over. 

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