WingDates - Kidge/Shatt.

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Side Ships: Hunay. Lotura. Lance x OC.

Both Keith and Katie volunteered for extra duties that night without a single second of hesitation. Neither was dumb nor a fool and understood what two options laid before them while they stood single. 

One, either volunteer to dress in their paladin armour and walk around as extra security during the galactic ball being held on an planet that was allied with Voltron as well as being allied to Lotor. 

Two, dress in their paladin armour still and act as honoured guests. Try to hold conversations with fellow guests and try dancing with at least one person during the ball. To be pleasant and as charming as possible to keep the good image of Voltron's paladins.  

Keith knew if he chose number two, he'd end up punching complete strangers for half the night before he's excused and allowed to return to the castle. Keith didn't care over being seen as the bad boy to Voltron but he also didn't want to put his comrades in any bad footing for the rest of the night due to his own temper. 

For Katie, she knew she'd either have to dumb herself for the sakes of others, act like a pretty doll with no personability or worse of all, be ignored all night due to not catching any alien's attention at all. Her confidence wasn't prepared to be treated like the nerd in school again after growing to become someone she was proud and happy over being during her space adventure. She didn't need strangers making her feel small and a nobody again. 

Hence the two teamed up, always the perfect arms of Voltron, and stepped up as extra security. They could enter the ballroom, hover around the edges before taking a patrol around the room and outside the building. 

Snacking and drinking when they fancied it but not having to do any chit chat with any of the guests. Even stepping in and dealing with guests if they seems to grow too much of a bad attitude or handsy with other guests. 

They were allowed to be themselves without getting in trouble with it later on. 

"How long do you think they've been in love?" Keith asked out loud, his arms cross over his chest as he leaned into the wall behind them. 

"Matt mentioned falling for Shiro while they were prisoners. He never saw Shiro as an actual love interest until they were stuck sharing a ship together during the Kerberos mission. Shiro's always just been his best friend and well, Shiro was married to Adam. Matt saw Adam as his friend too and wouldn't ever dare to gain feelings while the two were married" Katie rambled back with a small smile as she stayed snacking cookies that Hunk had packed for them so they could snack as they patrol if needed. 

"Do you think Shiro fell in with Matt during their prison days too?" Keith questioned back curious, tilting his head to the side and staring towards his brother who was giving longing stares towards the oldest Holt in the room. 

"Most likely. Apparently Shiro had always admired my father and well, he respected Matt greatly during their student days together. I think a small crush grew for Shiro during their cadet days but he fell for Adam instead. Crush forgotten under they were captured by the Galra and Adam wasn't in his heart anymore" Katie answered with the best of her memory and knowing it's been a few years since her brother's cadet years. 

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