Stardust - Part 5 - Kidge.

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"Urg! How have we lived this way all these years?" Allura asked with disgust as she looked around at their home, stepping away from her cousins that smelled like pigs. 

He wanted to know the same as he stayed hiding in a corner, keeping out of sight and not heard. He knew how to survive while being trapped in the same building as them and watching from afar was his best bet right now. 

He allowed his eyes to go wide as Allura clicked her fingers and all the candles lit up at once and made the place seem much brighter and more welcoming. But it also highlighted all the dust, mould and mud that had ruined the home and made it a place for pigs to live in than human beings. 

"In my absence, I expect you to make it fit for the queens we are. When I return with our prize, all of us shall be young again" Allura orders out as Romelle slips a ring onto her middle finger and Merla holds a tray that held three different sized and shape magical glass knifes. 

Allura picked each one up after the other, making the glass glimmer in the candlelight from the chandeliers above. Smirking as she finally picked one out of the free and tucked it somewhere in her new dress. Her dress clung to her and was a mixture of white, blue and pink while making her seem like a lady from money. Her hair placed up in a high bun, a few strands framing her face and golden braclets filled her wrists. 

He wasn't distracted by her beauty anymore, not when he remembered what she truly was and how may souls she's tortured and harmed before. The animals in the cages lived by their instincts and seeing their reactions around her in her new form helped shocked him out of his dreamy state. 

"Never fear, my sisters. I will not fail" Allura promises as Romelle places three runes stones into her palm. 

He watches as Allura leaves without another word or turning back as her cousins watched her leave. He gulped when Merla and Romelle shared a look before turning around and griming at the state of their home. He knew he'd be ordered to do all the cleaning by himself, under their watchful eye. 

With Katie..

"Can you not sleep a little bit quieter, please" Katie snapped out from where she curled in on herself within the crater. Using her jacket as a pillow and placing her shawl over herself like a small blanket in hopes to keep a little bit warm. 

"If it has escaped your notice, genius. I'm a star and it's still night. That's when stars have rather better things to do" Keith grumbled back from where he sat, purposely shuffling around and yanking on the magical silver chain she had placed up his right wrist, entrapping him to her. 

"And I'm a night owl but I'm still trying to catch a few hours of sleep before our journey" Katie huffed back in annoyance and no longer feeling bad over placing the magical chain on him even if kept yanking it in hopes to break free. She placed it around her left wrist, stopping him from running or trying to kill her when she decided to try and get some sleep. He'd be in trouble if he had to drag along a dead body since the magic chain connected them for now. But she'd have to read into the whole magical business as soon as possible to learn the rules that came with it. 

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