Valentines Day Special - Plance.

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(Sending kisses, hugs and love to All)

Lance couldn't help but smile to himself like a fool as he neatly folded the paper in the correct way. Bending and flicking at certain parts to make them life up and take the correct shape. Twisting at the steam, forming it's shape and making it possible to be held properly. 

Glancing to the pile of green and blue paper flowers he's already made by himself. His smile growing as he glanced to the lion head shaped chocolates his soulmate had gotten him for Valentines day. Having left it outside of his door at 2am before she headed to bed herself after whatever upgrade she gave to the lions. Leaving him the morning, after waking up at a decent time, to create his gift for her, knowing she wouldn't be able to try and steal a peek if she was fast asleep. 

He hummed an song that came out when his oldest brother was a young teen. The old songs being played from his playlist whenever it was his turn to play music in the house during chores. 

It was a song that came to mind whenever he thought over his soulmate, the girl who stole his heart as much as she stole his breath. And not because she kept zapping him with her bayard so often. In a romantic breathless way.. he checked. 

He was going to marry her. 

He's going to return to earth and let her meet his family while he asked for her mother's blessing. He knew who the real boss of the Holt family was and he was terrified of Colleen but he'd still ask for her blessing. He'll promise Sam that he'd take good care of his daughter and try to stop her from starving to death by getting too absorb in her tech hobbies. As well as help find Matthew hold and reassure him that he'll make sure his sister didn't blow herself up either. 

Or at least not blow herself up staring from the moment they started dating. He was a little late over the time beforehand and well, the poster really did cover up the green paladin sized dent in the hangar now. 

She was his end game and it wasn't just some teenage hormones speaking either. 

Collecting all the flowers he had made and scooping them up together before using the hairband he's stolen from his girlfriend to tie around all the paper flowers steams to make them a single bouquet. 

He was rather pleased over being able to give his girlfriend flowers without her allergies killing her for the rest of the month afterwards. 

Knew joining the craft class in primary school wasn't a mistake. It helped him to shower his girlfriend with flowers on what they've assumed was Valentines on earth. 

He knew she's never been wooed on earth, never treated like the queen she truly was in his eyes. 

And why flowers might not be her love language, he wanted to make one dream true for her even while they're trapped in space. 

He wanted to be some sappy and original teenage boyfriend who gave his girlfriend flowers as a present. 

Wiping away invisible dust from his worn jacket before quickly checking his breath as he did stupidly eat something Coran cooked earlier. He's thrown up, been in a pod and brushed his teeth with alien toothpaste four times. But he didn't want to risk any of Coran's cooking being smelled on him. 

Nodding with confidence before knocking on his girlfriend's door and standing with his most charming smile. 

Holding the flowers out towards her as soon as the door unlocked and slid open, showing her barely awake self. 

"Happy Valentines, Pidgey-poo!" Lance cheerfully said with a huge and bright smile, excitedly nodding for her to accept her flowers. 

"You got me flowers?" Pidge asked with a raised eyebrow, staring towards the paper flowers being held out towards her. 

"I made you flowers" Lance corrected her with some pride, very proud over his handy work. 

"They're beautiful. And so boringly original that I love them!" Pidge screamed back joyfully with a face splitting grin as she hurried scooped the flowers into her arms and admiring them up close. 

"I hoped you would" Lance smiled back sheepishly, feeling relieved she liked them. 

"Happy Valentines, Lance. You're the best boyfriend ever" Pidge smiled back softly as she soon wrapped her arms around him, knowing he's given her the best valentines gift ever. 

"Hopefully I'll make an even better husband someday" Lance commented under his breath as he melted into the hug. 

"Huh?" Pidge breathed out as she lifted her head to stare up at him, not having heard what he said. 

"Nothing. Baby steps" Lance smiled back as he pressed a kiss to her forehead, knowing he was thinking too far ahead yet again. 

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