Jelly Pots

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I have a thought I need to share/ramble over. It could be ship or shipless, however you wanna see it. 

First.. jelly pot flavours.

Red - Strawberry. 

Orange - Orange.

Yellow - Lemon.

Green - Lime.

Black - Blackcurrant. 

Purple/Blue - Blueberry. 

What if people gave the paladins/ex paladins pots of Jelly as a treat but matches them with their lion colours. Because look at them, they're always wearing at least one bit of clothing that matches their lion. Even if it's just a bracelet or socks or part of a pattern to the clothes, it'd have the colour. 

Now, the paladins would happily accept a jelly pot at first, assuming they'd be able to chose the flavour. But then they're just given a jelly pot close to matching their lions. At first they assumed it's due to the war and assumed it was low supply. 

But it happens again.

Leaving them all to secretly swap their jelly flavours around. 

And they never stop. 

Whenever they're given a jelly pot of their lion colour, that they don't actual like the flavour, they swap it around between themselves in secretes. 

They all feel criminals while doing so. Assuming that someone might have purposely chosen this pot for them, hoping it'd be given to their paladin in mind. Or that it was some type of unspoken rule that they'd magically like whatever flavours are linked to their colours.

So, they swap flavours in secret. Hiding away in another room, closing the door and having one person sit against it to stop anyone from entering. Swapping their flavours and eating it like it's some snack they've snuck past their parents and had to eat in their room to not be found out.

None of them daring to be caught, not wanting to unknowingly upset anyone by eating different lion colours. Or worse, fuel any ship wars by eating another paladin's lion colour. They've heard over all the many ships involving them, they're not risking any wrath eating a flavour they liked. 

But it carries on after the war. 

By this point, they're just unable to act like mature adults and admit they don't like the jelly pot. Even their parents assumed their tastebuds have been effected by the war due to thinking they're eating the jelly ports given to them. 

So, a new plan was formed between the old paladins as they gain their own lives. 

They all hold different hiding spots for the jelly pots. Hiding them away from public eye before waiting for a decent amount to add up and send them to the paladin that likes the flavour. Sending them before any due dates. 

But that makes, the paladins, all around the universe, would gain a parcel delivery that they couldn't risk opening in front of others. So, everytime a Jelly Pot parcel arrives, a colour would be dotted on the outside of the parcel as a secret code over what was inside, who sent it too. They would hurry away to open it in their rooms or offices, locking doors and overlooking for any spying devices. Before opening it. Stashing their jelly pots in their other hiding spot and slowly eating through them. 

They just send jelly pots around the universe to one another and no one truly knows about this. 

People and Aliens would witness an ex paladin gaining a parcel, all different sizes due to whatever long or short best before date the jelly pots held. All always having a single colour dot on it somewhere and watching the ex paladins sneak away to open it. 

It looks so fishy to everyone else. 

No one is sure if they should check that the paladin isn't being blackmailed/threatened or if they're sneaking things through the universe. 

Whatever is happening, it grows as a common site that once a parcel with a colourful dot added, a paladin would hide away to open it and not dare speak a word over whatever was inside.

As well as joint meals togehter as friends, not as ex paladins, but being given food of their lions colours that they don't like either. All of them coming up with plans to slide or pass over the food they won't eat but doing it like a spy movie. 

Hands slipping past under the table to pass things on. "Bumping" into each other as one returns from the toilet and the other is heading over, dropping the food in their pockets or bags. And so on. 

They all go for a crafty style that they actual enjoy it a little since it's their own inside joke. 

And if someone is caught.. they all grab at each other's colours of food or treats and share bites. Showing that no ship is or isn't cannon somehow. Mentioning that they all wanted to try each others food and making sure no colour is uneaten by them all. 

Matt is the first and only one to catch on.

And not by his sister. 

But by a desperate Shiro who needed to be rid of his own jelly pots but couldn't sneak away to his hiding spot and collect them in the parcel to post. 

He tried sneaking out to do it and Matt just.. caught him on the Atlas.

Both staring at the other, Matt clearly judging and questioning his best friend before a light bulb moment lit up above his head. 

Matt joins in on the fun, he hand delivers some of the parcels when he'll be travelling near the other ex paladins. Wearing a shady baseball hat to hide part of his face and acting all spy like as he drops the "package" off and slips away. 

But on a plus side, they all learn that Matt likes every flavour jelly pot and when the others get overran with flavours for one person alone.. Matt gets a parcel with all five colour dots added with a mixture of jelly pots inside. And yes, he hides up in his room or office to open it up all secret like. 

The only time they start rejecting jelly pots and treats linked to their colour lions is when the first ex paladin dies from old age/sickness or however they die in their long life. 

They all just reject any offers towards them, knowing they couldn't swap any longer and finally feel the Voltron bond break a little. 

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