Christmas Special - Pike x Meklavar (Plance)

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Pike had known his stealing habits have ruined certain holidays in the past with Meklavar. 

He knows she's never expected anything fancy or expensive from, knowing their wages as adventurers from experience and just happy with anything he gives her. As long as she's able to unwrap it. Her favourite part of a gift is unwrapping it.  

But Pike has always wanted to spoil his mate, to give her the best of the best and left her know that she was the richest prize he's ever gained in his life. 

Even if he knew confessing such a statement would get him a hit from embarrassment over being so cheesy. 

But this year, he's planned to not leave his mate worried or disappointed over a stolen present. He won't ruin another's holiday for his own gain when he knew it'd just leave his mate upset over the present anyways.  

This year he had planned to be as much of a normal and paying civilian as possible for him. 

He'd gotten Jiro to pop close to their cabin in the winter and chop down a tree that he's chosen since the moment he's planted it and got Valayun to use her magic to make it grow quicker. 

He'd asked Block to pay a visit on Christmas eve-eve to help do some cooking and make a special meal for the couple to enjoy on Christmas day. 

Pike had down all he possible could to make Christmas as special as possible and make it a magical memory for his mate. 

Having decorated the tree with his mate and their cabin early on in the month. Both making their home fill with Christmas spirit a bit more and his bubbling joy had brought cheer to his mate. 

Both having the best Christmas together that both could ask for and he looked forward to giving his real gift to his mate once morning grows closer. Filling with pride when his mate took a single glance at her gathered presents and shown how delighted she was that none seemed stolen.

He was left squealing and his tail swaying in pure bliss by the presents given to him by his mate. All bought or made by her very own hands with him in mind. Leaving her smug over how happy he'd been by them all. 

Spending the rest of the day keeping the fire burning, shoving down good food into their stomachs and cuddling up in front of the fire to rest. His purrs never being as loud as they were when he was safely held in his mate's arms. 

Christmas was growing to be perfect and he knew his mate felt the same. 

Both heading to bed and he's left one of his wife's gadgets, an alarm clock, ticking to wake him when the sunrise should start. 

Excitedly pulling on his jumper and coat with his mate less excitedly and grumpy behind him. 

Hurrying them both along to their cabin's roof that held a perfect view between the branches of each and every sunrise. 

Keenly watching his mate as she watched the sunrise with tried but awed eyes. 

Sharing a warm smile with her as she turned back to him and he knew he'd want to spend the rest of his life with this dwarf.

Technically he would be, they were mates, his mate was very understanding over his's clan's ways in love and accepted them. Willing to stand as his mate instead of a wife to him or any other soulmate joining's. Proving her love by choosing his way of love. 

And that's why tonight, he gained one more Christmas present for her, a little late one. 

Using the sunrise, a sight he's always loved and had always been excited to see with her by his side. 

"Mek" Pike softly says as he pulls out the last Christmas present he had gotten her, ready to finally pass it over if she accepts such a promise. 

"Hmm?" Meklavar hums back, staring off towards the sunset still. 

"Will you Marry me?" Pike nervously asks as he holds up the ring he'd chosen for her, bought with his own savings. 

"I did not want a shotgun wedding" Meklavar groaned back, hiding her face into her hands as she'd never want a rush marriage. 

Pike froze, sitting stunned and letting his brain take in the news his mate had just thrown at him without any other warning beforehand. His eyes watching as his mate takes the ring, accepts it by sliding it on her wedding finger before shyly passing over a wrapped present to him. 

It was long, very thin and didn't seem very heavy. 

He slowly opened it with care, having a feeling what would sit inside and his eyes took in the tiny wind catcher that held the engravings of spirit chasing and protection charms added. A gift normally given to expecting parents to hand by their cub's window to keep them safe at night. 

Another tradition that came from his clan alone.

He was going to be a father. 

He was going to be a parent with his mate, the love of their life. 

They'd have a cute and smarty and cheerful little half breed cub crawling around and crackling like an evil doer as they explore the world.

Their family was finally growing once more and he couldn't be happier. 

It truly was the best Christmas of their lives. 

He's been blessed with his fated soulmate blessing him with their cub.

And she'd been given a ring, soon to be married and stand beside the man as a wife and a mate. Both their ways of love twisting and shaping togehter to prove they'd love the other in all and any forms. 

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