Valentines Day - Kidge.

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As much as the green lion was linked with nature, her current paladin wasn't so keen on it herself. 

As much as Pidge had learnt to bond and become one with nature and her lion. 

She still had terrible hay fever.

And space didn't have much for hay fever tablets either. 

But Keith knew for a fact that his girlfriend had always wanted to experience an overly original Valentines day. 

Flowers, chocolates and a cute gift. 

Or a well thought out and meaningful date. 

Being paladins in an universe wide space war made dates a difficult thing to plan and actually do. 

But the universe held a space mall and Keith knew how to bribe Hunk. The guy was such a softy that a mere mention over cooking for someone special had him agreeing without any bribes needing to be done. 

So, Keith could try and be as ordinary as possible. 

Wearing the only outfit he actual had but leaving the jacket behind as well as his beloved gloves. He was going to try and seem as boring and average as possible. 

Flowers made from paper in one hand, all five of them in the colour of the five lions and folded and rolled to look like roses. 

Roses, for love. 

He was total going to win best boyfriend of the universe with such basic plans. 

Chocolates in the shape of mini rover's, thankfully safe to eat and made by Hunk. 

Leaving the badly knitted blades blade teddy tucked under his armpit. Unhelpfully helped by Shiro who mentioned he knew how to knit but that meant how to teach it and not actual knew how to knit. And of course Allura and Coran was curious over what Keith was threatening to shoot with the red lion's larva blast when Shiro playing teacher wasn't working out with his knitting progress. 

But a recognized Marmora blade was knitted, by him and with the correct colours. Leaving his girlfriend to be able to have her own blade like any other Galran mate could have access and work. Well, they'd be able to use their mate's blade but Pidge wasn't Galra so she missed out. But now she could have a blade that worked for her. 

Knocking on her bedroom door close to lunchtime, knowing she wasn't a morning person and allowing her to sleep in for as long as possible. 

A charming but shy smile on his lips as the door slid open and he held out the paper flowers first. 

He wanted his girlfriend's secret dream to come true without killing her with it afterwards. 

Or that was the plan until his girlfriend looked like death.

Seemed she had came up with the exact plan but had gotten him alien flowers for him instead. 

He wasted no time grabbing them, shoving his gifts for her into her arms before sprinting away. 

Grabbing a vase, some water and dunking the flowers in before placing them in the airlock. Keeping them sealed from the rest of the castle and he'd be able to admire through the airlock's first doors window. 

Hurrying back to find his girlfriend already snuggled back in bed, happily hugging her new teddy knife and looking both adorable and gross. 

He really was the luckiest guy in the universe. 

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