Stardust Au - Kidge.

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(Side Ships - Shatt, Shunk and James x Ina)



A philosopher once asked: are we human because we gaze at the stars or do we gaze at them because we are human?

Pointless really. Do the stars gaze back?

Now that's a question.

But it's the kind of question that the people of Queen Victoria's England frowned upon. This was the age of invention. And the heart of the British empire was full to bursting with the wonders of science.

The village of Wall may have been a little behind the times. But it hid a secret that would have confounded even the greatest minds of the day. 

Ah. The village of Wall.

Nice logical name, nice logical place. Apart from the tricky business of what lies on the other side. But they built the wall to keep the two worlds apart, and everyone agreed that it was for the best.

Well, almost everyone. 

Sam Holt, he was a smart but kind man that worked in the small repair shop within the village wall. He was sensible and always kept a cool head, no matter what he was faced with. He didn't act on emotions but waited until he was told the full story or all the fact and if he didn't have them than he'd learn over them before acting still.

But he wasn't always so behaved, he was young and foolish once before. He wanted to run with his emotions and find his place in the world like everyone else did. He wanted to explore and learn more over the unknown even if it came with a risk or danger.

He was fascinated by what was beyond the wall. 

A wall that held it's very own guard, an old man with gingery hair and a matching, bushy moustache. An man who never seemed to age no matter how many years have passed, he's always stood as the guard since the very wall was built. 

But Sam was a curious lad, always have been and he was pulled towards the wall as if his own future was held beyond it. So, once a month, he pushed his limits and tried passing the wall only for Coran to stop him and leave a nasty bruise from wherever his staff smacked him this time around. 

But than one year, a traveller came around. He wasn't the nicest man and he had a rather bad temper but Sam got along with him rather well. He even helped the man get a job at the village only pub since the man's funds had mostly ran out and he needed to save up to carry on travelling around the world. Seemed he never stayed in one place, no longer than a year at least. 

But Sam befriended him, his first real friend and while he was rough around the edges he got along swell with him. Got him out of some trouble as well whenever he picked a fight or didn't hold his tongue against some of the villagers. 

And one night, he told him over his curiosity over the wall and what laid past the woods beyond. A mistake to make with a friend so wild since as Sam last try came along as he'd be working towards his job and give up on the wall for good. More so when he wanted a future with Colleen, a girl he's only been seeing for a couple of months but became completely smitten with.

Sam distracted Coran who stood awaiting for him. Not expecting a second person to be with Sam and that's how Sam watched his friend leap over the wall and make a run for it. To do the one thing Sam had always dreamed over.   

But nine months later, something was left by the walls. Coran knocked on Sam door in the middle of night with a look of sorrow as he held out the basket. Two letters written inside along with a flower and homemade knitted blanket. Sam stared in confusion before Coran passed on the bad news over such a normally joyful and bliss moment in their lives. His friend was the father and Coran went to the village inn above the pub, passing the basket that held the new-born baby and letters inside. He read the letter directed to him, leaving the baby's letter left unopen before pushing the basket back to Coran and leaving the village minutes after. 

Sam accepted the new-born, he's raise the son for the women who fell in love with his friend and thought he'd stay and raise the child for her while she wasn't able to. He'd raise the child as if it was his own son by blood and keep him happy for as long as he's able to. Coran placed a hand on Sam shoulder, praising the lad who stood in his early twenties. 

The next morning came, Sam register Takashi Shirogane, named by the baby mother and noted down in the letter that was meant for his friend. He spoke with Colleen afterwards, expecting her to assume the worse once seeing him with a new-born or at least leave him, he was ready to give her a chance to break up with him. But she stayed and she even admitted she still wanted to marry him. To stay by his side and help raise the baby together, under one roof. 

The next day, Sam bought a wing and went down on one knee. Soon they were married and living under the same roof, raising Takashi as if he was their own from the start. 

And a year later, the family of three became a family of four as they welcomed Matthew Holt. Both Colleen and Sam agreed to bring both up as family but not as full brothers either. They were going to be a family no matter what but they didn't want to replace Mrs Shirogane who clearly loved her son and wished she could have kept him. Sam would keep to her wishes written within the letter meant for his friend, on Takashi 25th birthday, he'd be told over his mother and given the letter she wrote for him. It seemed that it was the 25th when she met Shiro father and Takashi was born of the 29th of February, she thought his 25th birthday would at least link to something to his parents, to his mother who thought deeply over him each and every day. 

And four years later, little Katie Holt was born. The adored sister by both of her brothers and the most troublesome child out of the three. She was even more curious than Sam ever was and always exploring something new and letting her curiosity take over as she tries to learn the unknown. She was a handful for both her brothers and both her parents. But they couldn't help to stay loving her and cherishing her. Sometimes everyone needs a little strange to enjoy life more. 

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