Glass Crown - Part 3 - Plance.

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Lance kept his happy mood for the next couple days. Returning the needle to his mother old sewing kit. She always kept her needle work as a hobby and when she passed, he took her old seamstress box as to hold her memory alive. 

He felt guilty for bending one of his mother's needles, a needle she almost always used. He could remember watching her for hours as her hands created such beautiful and full of love sew blankets. But he knew his mama would forgive him for the reason on why he had to bend it. 

But now, his good mood was falling as his eldest sister had called for him in the throne room. His twin sister already lazing on the steps leading to the thrones and all three knights along with Hunk and Adam were called along as well. Clearly a family meeting was happening and since his sister knew he wouldn't keep anything to himself, she called for the servants that he'd clearly blab to about the meeting later. She really did like to save time by telling them all together instead of letting him pass it all on in his grumpy state afterwards. 

"It's time for you to marry! You'll stand as king by your next birthday" Veronica announced with no room for argument over the matter. She stood before the three thrones set on the podium and her arms tightly crossed over her stomach. Princess Veronica is rather tall with a slim body. She has smooth light brown skin tone and holds thin eyebrows. She has gay eyes while wearing  a pair of rectangular glasses. Her hair is dark brown and reaches the base of her neck and curls while her bangs are parted a little to the left.

"Why was my twenty fourth birthday chosen to make me as king? It seems such a strange age to suddenly give me the crown" Lance asked with a strange look as it never made sense to him before. He had parched himself to sit on the lowest step while his three knights, head chief and the royals doctor stayed standing in a line some feet away. 

"Because our parents met each other on the 24th of July. The same month, the two of us was born and mama saw that as fate. We may have been born on the 28th but we born close to our parents anniversary. So, she strictly ordered out that no child of her own, by blood, can have such a heavy crown placed upon their head until they've turned twenty four years of age. She wanted to give us all a chance to live an innocent childhood and hold a chance to explore the kingdom before we're forced as the ruler of our kingdom. She gave us a chance to grow if the worse did happen and her death came to be" Rachel calmly stated as she stayed picking at her dress in boardroom over the whole thing. Rachel was Lance twin sister, she has soft olive skin and is rather tall like her brother but with a more curvy body than being lanky. She has darker, wavy hair that reaches her mid back and a lighter shade of blue eyes.

"How do you know that?" Lance asked curious as he turns towards his twin, silently wondering how she got pulled into this marrige meeting when she's normally left to her freedom within the castle reach. 

"I read sister dairy whenever she's mad at you" Rachel admits with a light shrug and leans back on the steps, using her elbows to hold her weight up. 

"You do what!" Veronica screamed back in pure horror and glares towards her younger sister. 

"Brother has yet to chose a bride like promised, dear sister" Rachel quickly blurted out with instead of answering her sister. Forcing her brother to stand in the spotlight once more. 

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