King Kong - Part 5 - Plance - Uncompleted.

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A/N Rant:

1; I haven't forgotten about this Au. I will try to return and do it's some justice by finally finishing it. BUT for now, have this unfinished chapter that makes no sense but having floating sentences. 

Someday.. I'll come back and make this an actually written correctly/better chapter. This is just a hint over what was meant to happen and so on.. so yeah .. sorry about .. well, forgetting and not having full interest to finish it right this second. 

2; Did I try to update this and learn that the photo/gif/video was one of the few things that didn't transfer from my old, dead laptop to my newish one .. kinda new .. it's almost a year old now :( 

They grow up so fast. 

3; Part 4 and 3 are near the start-middle if you need to re-read them or new and want to read them. Part 3 will have a link to the old oneshot book that'd have part 2 and 1 in it. 




"No, you can't feed her to the other beasts" Lance sighs like a tired parent as he lays a hand over his eyes from where he's laying on the ground, had hoping to half sunbath under the cloudy sky to relax. But Pidge had other plans. 

"What if I give her a little push by the cliff?" Pidge offered up instead as she nudged at his arm that laid by his side, close to her. Seems rather hopeful over being allowing to push his friend over the cliff by the waterfall. 

"That's not allowed either" Lance replied as he slipped his hand from his face to rest on his chest, turning his gaze on her. 

Pidge gave him a small pout before lightly slapping at his arm and moving to stand on the higher bit of the crumbled tower grounds. Standing on a rock as Keith started to write out his own question and leaving Pidge to read it out for him. 

"B-U-G..." Pidge started to spell out as Keith seemed to write a bit slower as if to not catch too much attention from the reason over so many dark questions. 

"No! We're not putting her back in the bug pit either. That's gross and just a no-go" Lance snapped back with worry as he rushed into a sitting position, figuring out where Keith was going with this. 

Allura still feels the phantom touches of all those overly sized but harmless bugs that had made it's home in the pit near the centre of the grounds. Keith acts like they're merely household insects that brings no harm. And maybe to a creature his size, it is but some of those bugs were almost as big as Lance. They could live in a human's size house as the owner. He wasn't going to let anyone be tortured by sitting in the pit with those bugs ever again, or at least just while he's around. 

"You said you'd take her home once we've returned her. She's mean. Don't like. Take away" Pidge grumbled back as she glared towards him, her hands on her hips with the overly long sleeves now rolled to her elbows.

"I can't. My friend's were all heading in this direction to save her with me. If I leave with her and try heading back alone, they might still home while I'm gone and try attacking the two of you. If I wait a couple of days than I'll be here once they arrive and can explain everything for you" Lance explained his reasoning as he pushed himself to stand, walking towards the two and knowing they were still upset with him over Allura still being in their home. 

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