Five Heroes - Kidge.

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The five kingdom's chosen heroes, all chosen to gather and join their kingdoms together by standing as the god's blessed heroes. 

Five kingdoms, five chosen heroes, five guardians who'd rest among the gods once they've taken their final breaths. 

The fallen guardian's of the five kingdoms only call forth the next generation when the kingdoms are in danger. When a kingdom grows croup or wars fall upon them all. 

The five kingdoms were known to thrive on their own, but, together, they lived. They grew richer, healthier and stronger.  

If one Kingdoms turns to evil, the five heroes must defeat the ruler tainting the kingdom's pureness and return the five kingdoms to their former glory once more. 

She's the team's shield, she took all their hits and protected them from harm from their foes. 

She took the brutal and harsh hits and attacks. 

Her small body standing as a giant as she stands as the last and first defence to the other four heroes. 

If she falls, her fellow heroes will be open to deaths arms. 

He was the sword, he was to slay their enemies while looking them directly in the eye. 

He wouldn't allow any to move past him and harm the other four heroes.

He was meant to fight until his final breath, to die clutching his sword so no other would have to pick it up and carry on his fight. 

He would be the one to stand guard as the rest sleep, safe and tucked away from enemies harm. 

The sword and the shield, they melted into one form during battle. 

Back to back, feet moving and their bodies twirling as if they were in the middle of a dance. 

He'll slash the enemy that she allows to slip past while keeping the rest trapped behind her shield.

If she falls, he would be the last stand until all is lost. 

If he falls, she'll be open to an arrow through her heart. 

Neither could survive without the other. 

The hero with a bow was safe on his hill top, shooting down the enemy as they charged towards them. 

The hero with a magic axe could swing his mighty weapon into the ground, allowing the magic to do the rest. 

Their leader, the man who speaks the final orders and commands, could swing his mighty swing and allowing the weapon to slay all their enemies at once as their bodies get removed by the wind that comes with his swing. 

The rest were safe from the blood spilling into the ground below. 

They escape the blood splatter that cover their faces and clothes. 

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