His - KuroxPidge/Shatt.

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He had always been bitterly jealous over his older twin. 

His big brother who always well loved by everyone he'd ever meet. 

They shared the same face, same body and same voice but he was only a shadow to his brother. 

He was a ruined copy, he wasn't seen as cute or deserved as much attention as his overly kind and helpful big brother did. 

Their mother tried, she adored them both and cherished them both equally. 

She was the only one to truly love him as himself, she saw him as who he was and not as the other twin, the nameless twin. 

The orphanage made it worse. 

They were known as Takashi and oh, his brother. 

Takashi was loved, adored and all foster parents took a shining to him even though he was already a child. Normally babies were preferred but as soon as they bumped into him, their hearts were stolen. 

And than they'd meet him, he was just an add on that none of them wanted. Some accepted them both, some would "secretly" ask if they could just take the older twin, never knowing the walls were thin enough to hear them talk in the office while the pair of them sat outside. 

He learnt his place, rather quickly. 

His hot temper didn't help, everyone saw him as mean or a freak. Leant to set him off before acting as the victim when he lost his head and reacted. 

And than he'd be accused of steeling if something went missing or if something was broken. No evidence was needed, a child would lie and accuse him and the workers believed them because he was a "no good kid".  He never got to say his own side of the story and was simply punished without a word. 

If he was going to be blamed either way than he won't bother being good anymore, he'd do the things he'd be blamed to do and won't hold back anymore. He'd punch those other children who had upset or angry him. He'd break the things they kept hitting or throwing at him. He stole the objects they were gifted during trips he wasn't allowed on because of his "behaviour" even when he wasn't always at fault. 

He was missing out on the good sides of his life and left in the shadows of his brother who shined and sparkled in the goodness. 

He hated it. 

His brother got adopted in the end. 

No one wanted a troublesome son after all and the orphan finally agreed to separate them both. 

He thought he'd finally be given room to breath but he didn't. 

He was left watching his brother live a life he had stolen from him because no one ever took his side. 

High school made it worse. 

Uncontrollable hormones and his emotions always running high. 

He got into fights, seemed scary when he didn't smile like his brother could. 

He didn't get friends, he got rivals or idiots wanting to act like the big dog and put him in his place before being put in their own place instead. 

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