Baby Rover - Part 4 - Shidge.

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Nine Days Later...

"Whoa! Hang on" Shiro called out as he waved his free hand, the other holding the steering control as he wanted something to do on his ship and decided flying himself instead of relying on autopilot would keep him busy. 

"What?" Katie asked with an raised eyebrow from where she sat on her so called claimed chair in the cotpit, happily curled on it yet again while Rover was left downstairs to be entertained with his frog teddy and the few toys both have collected for him. One being one of Shiro's broken blasters that no longer worked and was checked by Katie to make sure it'd never work again. 

"You're brother went missing the same time a bunch of padawan's were slaughtered and a Jedi suddenly turned to the dark side. And you're certain he's still alive" Shiro replied as if she was crazy, putting his ship on autopilot as he turned in his chair to face. Having just learnt that the important missing person she's been searching for was her big brother who was a jedi that disappeared during the start of the empire rule. 

"I'm pretty sure he's still alive. I just need to find a lead on him" Katie stubbornly said as she looked right where she guessed his eyes were through his helmet. She knew her brother was alive, she found no other evidence that he wasn't.  

"What happens if this Darth Vader dude is YOUR brother?" Shiro questioned next completely serious and leaning forward as she met her gaze with his own firm one. It's been a thought that's been floating in his mind for a couple of days, before he new the missing person was her brother, that the person might be working with the empire and that's why she hasn't found him elsewhere. 

"He's not my- OH NO. H-He can't be. Can he? I mean, I'd figure it out if he was. I've been searching for him all these years" Katie started to argue back before growing quiet and falling pale. She soon started to stutter back in an panic, waving her hands in rejection and trying to grow determined over her brother not being him. 

"Yeah. As someone who might be fighting against the empire or seen as a threat to them. But if he was Darth Vader, it'd explain why he's not in the empire's system or been spotted by their spies" Shiro shot back as he crossed his arms over his chest, sitting back in his chair and lightly shaking his head over failed findings. 

"Please stop talking. I can't handle such a thought" Katie groaned back, burying her face into her hands and looking dejected as the thought travelling in her mind. Rethinking the past seventeen years of her life. 

"Image if all this time your brother was one of the people you've been running from and trying to defeat this whole time" Shiro told her with remorse as he thought over it and knowing it made perfect sense. 

"Shut up" Katie choked out, body trembling as she couldn't accept such a thought. Couldn't picture her brother being such a brutal monster. 

Shiro froze, tensing as he realized just how emotionally damaged the women was over his carelessly comments and ideas. Filling with guilt and starting to reach out a hand in comfort before stopping half way and slowly pulling it back. He was most certain that she wouldn't want him to comfort her right now after he planted that seed of distrust in her. 

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