Valentines Day Special - Kidge.

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(Sending kisses, hugs and love to All)

Keith was left looking back at his life as if he stood in a room full of screens, each screen holding a different memory throughout his life. 

So many good were in sight, a few bad hidden behind the brighter and more heart warming memories. 

As he grew older, he was showered with a better life and even more warming memories to keep. 

Like his first Valentines. 

He was a blade member by that point and held no clue over the crush growing within him. 

Instead he found junk metal shaped into the green and red lions laying on his given bed. 

Roses are Red. 

Violets are Blue. 

You're a little bit stabby. 

But you're still the right to my left. 

-Forever your Green. 

Keith just stood staring at the card for a solid three minutes. His heart squeezing and his ears turning red as he stood with a puzzled expression over trying to work out if he was being complimented or not. 

Sighing in defeat as he held no clue but knew the note was meant to be sweet and a nice message to have. Glancing back towards the metal mini lions on his bed, feeling less alone than he did before entering his room. 

Placing the note down on his bedside table before stopping as he noticed more writing scribbled on the back. He really needed to teach Pidge to learn neater hand writing skills or just type up all her notes and print them out for everyone's elses shake. She has awful hand writing. 

- Also, sneak back some alien sweeties during your next visit. Allura threw out my batch I had after an disagreement.

- I also added star wars sounds to Shiro's arm the last time he asked me to check it over. Waiting for you to visit before activate such an added upgrade. 

- Everyone misses you. Red misses you most. She hates that Lance farts in her. Hurry up and finish with your stab buddies so you can return home. 

Keith would never openly admit it but he did snort and chuckle as he read the extra left for him. Shaking his head as he felt a flicker of annoyance over Lance mistreating his lion and real irritation over Allura stealing from Katie like she was some child and not a paladin. 

But left smiling as he read the final word, never having something called Home in a very long time and knowing that if his space family was there, he'd have a home. 

Keith couldn't help the fond smile on his lips as he looked towards the memory, knowing it was his real Valentines day that any effect was put towards. He never really dated and anyone who did crush on him never left gifts or letters for him. 

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