Chapter 2

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We slowly grew up and from time to time Cadmael showed up behind me which was always very terrifying. (freaking ghost) The Duke, knowing the identity of Cadmael, taught him a few classes but even though they were the same classes as me, we were separated. I didn't see him a lot during those 11 years and was finally the same age as in my last life.

I stayed as far away as possible from Eschyle's family and they did the same with me. Therefore I spent my days learning and discovering small hobbies. For example I learned how to cook, took care of animals, learned to knit (soon to be a proper husband) and use a sword. I didn't have any friends in the dukedom, all of them being bullies and I didn't care. Cadmael didn't have any friends either and the only person he talked to was me from time to time. I always fled as soon as possible however. I had multiple excuses to stay away from him: sometimes I told him I had classes, other times I gave him a cookie I baked and told him I had other ones in the oven before disappearing.

Slowly high school arrived which was the main stage of the book. I was quite stressed out at this idea and didn't want to meet Diana at all. We had been engaged for years but our parents never introduced us and had I never read the book, I wouldn't have known what she looked like. Anyway, I didn't have a choice and went to the school's entrance ceremonie.

A lot of people came to talk to me, being the son of a Duke and I didn't like that at all. I didn't like humans (mood) and didn't want to talk to them. Especially when all they wanted was to be in the good graces of my father. I wanted to tell them that he didn't care about me and that they could just go away but was too shy to say so. Therefore I just bit my tongue and waited.

Looking at the crowd I suddenly noticed blond hair. The young woman had a huge smile on her face which made us want to hug her until she stopped breathing and her eyes were the color of a calm sea. The female lead was truly gorgeous and I wanted to see Cadmael's in love face therefore I started looking for him in the crowd. I couldn't imagine his blank face in love and couldn't wait to see it. However I was very surprised to see that Cadmael wasn't looking at Diana.

Maybe he didn't see her yet but he was staring straight at me which made me a little shy. Why was he looking at me the way he did? Did I have something on my face? (probably beauty) I could still feel his glance on me and was growing uncomfortable. Look at the female lead! Not at me. Please, I beg you. I can't handle your gaze. There were enough people looking at me already, not you too.

Keeping my eyes on the floor I didn't get to see Cadmael's face when he fell in love with Diana. It wasn't that bad, I still would have numerous occasions to see them in love. For example the scene in the library when Diana would in turn fall in love with Cadmael. She didn't see him in the crowd but he would follow her to the library and save her from a fall. This was so cliché that my head hurt. Wasn't this in every romance ever? Even my sister crinched.

The entrance ceremony finished and we went to class afterwards. I sat in the center of the class whereas Cadmael sat in the back and immediately started sleeping. I raised my eyes to the ceiling. Is that the next emperor of this country? I was really scared for this place. As if he felt my glance, Cadmael suddenly raised his head and I froze, almost choking on my saliva. This made the kids around me panic and they asked me if I was alright. Cadmael on the other hand started laughing. I shot him a deadly glance really hurt by his reaction but that just made him laugh even more. What was so funny about my face?

I didn't have time to think about it with classes starting and a few days passed that way. Me concentrating on class and Cadmael sleeping soundly or looking at me. (bitch the future of the country is between your hands) I liked having a daily routine and slowly found it. Cadmael continued to follow me without a word just like he did as a kid but I couldn't say anything because we had the same classes. What could I tell him? It was normal for him to follow me. Just as did other students.

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