Chapter 77

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I hadn't seen Rubert in months. Not that I saw him a lot back at the Duke's mansion. From what I remembered, he didn't change a lot. Still the same clear brown hair, shining green eyes. He looked very clean and refined, with a perfectly white smile.

"Congratulations on becoming the Emperor."

After he bowed, Rubert looked at me:

"Eschyle, my dear brother. It has been a long time."

I could feel Cadmael's hand jerk on my side and I knew that he was ready to jump up any second.

"It really has."

I wanted to say more but was way too awkward with this man that was basically a stranger. The last time he talked to me was years ago and I couldn't even remember exactly when it was. He quickly started ignoring me as he grew up and I rarely saw his face at home.

"We really missed you a lot.


I should have said that I had missed them too but in reality I completely forgot about them.

"Me too."

Rubet smiled before looking at Cadmael:

"Your Majesty the Emperor, may I have a quick word with my brother?"

Cadmael shook his head curtly:

"No. You said what you had to say. Next."

Rubert seemed taken aback by such animosity:

"If I have angered your Highness in any way, I sincerely apologize. I have no idea what I could have done to offend you of the sort.

-Then think about it."

Rubert laughed awkwardly:

"With all due respect, I don't think I need your permission to talk to my own brother.

-You stopped being brothers when you started abusing him."

Rubert raised a hand to his heart, shocked:

"I am deeply hurt by such accusations. We have never hurt Eschyle. He was our beloved brother."

I didn't like where this conversation was going and interjected:

"I don't have any secrets from Cadmael. If you have anything to say you can do it in front of him."

This didn't seem to please Rubert:

"I really would prefer talking to you alone."

Having him insist like this was suspicious and I grabbed Cadmael's hand:

"I will hear you out here."

Rubert looked at Cadmael before sighing:

"Very well... As you may know, we haven't been doing that well since father left us. You would have noticed if you had come to his funeral."

He paused as if waiting for me to say something.

"Father left us a lot of debt after he left and George and I really wanted to talk to you about this family issue. We tried our best to repay the debts while you were away but we feel like you could do your part too. As a member of the Dukedom."

Cadmael tried his best to hold back but this was too much. He snapped for guards to come and the next second Rubert got immobilized.

"Hey! What are you doing? I am just asking my brother for help! You can't treat the Duke this way! Aren't brothers supposed to help in hard situations?"

Seeing Rubert frown reminded me of all the times he frowned during our childhood. In fact he never smiled at me and that was why he felt so much like a stranger when he walked up here. Seeing him angry looked way more familiar and just like what Cadmael told me about, I started remembering all the "jokes" he played on me. Would I be a bad person if I didn't help him because of our past?

"Why would he help you when the reason why you are in debt is you and George?"

Rubert shook his head:

"George and I did everything we could to repay our father's debt!
-The reason why you got in debt in the first place is because even after your father disappeared, you didn't give up on your gambling habits."

I looked at Cadmael with round eyes. How did he know all of this?

"That's a lie! Eschyle, who are you going to believe? This guy you met recently or your own blood?"

I frowned:

"The guy that I met recently? Cadmael has been staying at the Duke's mansion for years."

Now it was Rubert's turn to frown:

"What are you talking about?"

Cadmael smirked:

"I am the tiny child that prevented you from drowning your own brother in the pound."

Rubert lost all his colors suddenly:

"No! No... No! That... That didn't happen! Trust me Eschyle! We never wanted to hurt you. We loved you. We are your family. Are you going to let your family die of hunger?


Hearing me talk made everyone freeze.

"If you had just asked me for money directly I would have given it to you."

I could feel Cadmael getting angry but I squeezed his hand to calm him down:

"Maybe I will hate myself for this but I don't feel like you deserve my help.


-No. You should be grateful that I don't sue you for abuse. I just want to move on, Rubert. We weren't family and we never will be. I am really sorry that you aren't doing well lately but I will always trust Cadmael. And if he says that the reason you are in debt is because of gambling, then I don't have anything to do with it."

Cadmael bent towards me with a frown:

"Are you going to let him off just like that? He hurt you!"

I smiled seeing him so worried about me and kissed his cheek:

"It's okay. For once in so long, it really is okay. I don't even need to forget anymore if I have you with me.


I caressed Cadmael's face:

"You have been there for me for so long. Why haven't I noticed before? Thank you so much for waiting for me."

Cadmael finally smiled:

"I could wait all my lives for you."

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