Chapter 15

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Cadmael didn't seem surprised but his eyes could have sliced anything. My heart stopped. I didn't tell Cadmael about our meetings because I didn't want him to be jealous and imagine things but now this was even worse. It looked like I was keeping it from him and looked very suspicious.


I talked for the first time but didn't know what to say. They didn't even pay me any attention anyway.

"Eschyle needs a break from his everyday life from time to time, I guess."

Diana's smile was terrifying for some reason. I never saw her without her broad innocent smile and had no idea how to react. I quickly wanted to do something and wanted to serve Diana some tea. I was stressed because of the situation and Diana wasn't entirely paying attention to me but was focused on Cadmael. For all these small reasons, somehow when I handed Diana her tea, she didn't catch it and I let go too soon. Diana didn't get hurt but I got some burning tea on my hand and I winced. The mug broke on the floor and I was ready to get down to pick up the pieces. I didn't have the time to bend that strong arms caught my arm and pulled me towards them. I almost fell bumping into a hard surface.

The surface was so hard that it took me a second to realize it was Cadmael. He raised my hand and started examining it with me still in his arms. When I realized I started to move back:

"I'm fine."

Diana jumped up and seemed really worried. I smiled at her and assured her that it didn't hurt. However the next thing I knew was that I was being dragged to the toilet by Cadmael. I tried to resist insisting on the fact that everything was fine but he didn't let go. His grip was terrifyingly strong and I had no chance to escape.

Cadmael ran lukewarm water and placed my hand under it while stroking the red skin gently. He was really focused on my hand and didn't hear me say that it didn't hurt. He was really silent and for some reason I felt as if I did something bad. I didn't dare say anything more and kept my eyes on my hand waiting patiently for him to let me go.

When we got out of the toilets Cadmael was still in a bad mood and didn't let go of my sleeve for a second. Diana was anxiously waiting for us outside. She ran to me worried:

"Are you okay? Do you want to go to the doctor?"

She couldn't get close to me because Cadmael stood between us and looked at her with a deadly gaze:

"This is the second time."

Diana immediately understood what he meant. Cadmael meant that this was the second time I got hurt because of Diana. I shook my head and tried to get between the both of them:

"It wasn't Diana's fault. I was too careless. It happens."

Looking at Cadmael I felt my blood freeze. It looked like all life had been sucked out from his eyes.

"Don't defend her before me."

Cadmael suddenly left the café while still dragging me after him. Diana ran after us but got soon distanced by Cadmael. I tried escaping for a long time before Cadmael finally decided to stop. I pulled my hand away and frowned:

"You can't do that."

I was really angry. This was the first time this happened but I was angry at Cadmael and completely forgot that he was my killer for a second.

"You have to apologize to Diana."

Cadmael turned around and I saw how hurt he was.

"She hurt you! This was the second time you got hurt because of her.

-It wasn't her fault. I get that you are worried about me and am very grateful for it but you can't lash out like you did. Diana is a really good person and you made her feel bad. I'm sure that she is very worried now.

-I won't apologize. I don't like her..."

I frowned even more. How couldn't he like her? What was he saying? He loved Diana. Right?

"Diana didn't deserve this reaction. You should apologize."

Cadmael opened his mouth but closed it again after. I crossed my arms determined. I never stood my ground like this in front of Cadmael and this surprised him. Cadmael did something bad and had to own up to it. If he didn't apologize then Diana wouldn't forgive him and they wouldn't be a happy couple in the future. I had to prevent that from happening.

"Do you like Diana that much?

-I don't like her that way, don't worry. But she is a good friend and I don't want her to be sad."

Cadmael thought about it for a second. He seemed really torn about all this. It was almost as if he was being tortured.


I smiled and patted his head:

"You made the right choice. You'll thank me for this later on."

I turned around and went back to the café Cadmael close behind me. Diana ran toward us as soon as she saw us and asked again if I was okay:

"I'm fine, thank you."

I shot Cadmael a side glance and he understood that it was his turn. He didn't even look at Diana and kept his eyes focused on me while uttering to words that didn't even seem honest:

"I'm sorry."

This was better than nothing and I didn't want to push Cadmael too much. He looked like a punished child and I started to feel bad. I was doing this for your own good! You couldn't be on bad terms with your future wife!

Diana seemed very shocked:

"It's nothing. I still think that Eschyle should go see a doctor, however.

-No it's really okay."

They once again did as if I wasn't there:

"I'll take him on the way home."

Diana nodded and thanked us for this day. She then left and Cadmael really took me to see the doctor. He prescribed a cream that I had to apply for three days and let me go. Cadmael took all of this really seriously and came to knock on my door before sleeping:

"I'll help you apply the cream.

-I really am fine."

Cadmael never listened when I said that I was fine and he came in without hesitation. He walked to the sofa and gestured to me to get seated. I sat down and Cadmael kneeled down in front of me before taking my hand. This scene was really strange. The future emperor was kneeling before me and taking my hand. I didn't know what to say and started turning red. Cadmael didn't notice and applied the cream with utter gentleness.

Once he finished, he straightened and looked at his work with a satisfied glance. He then let go of my hand and got up to put away the cream. I thanked him and got up to go to bed. Cadmael seemed lost in thought and I felt that he wanted to tell me something. He slowly walked to my door and suddenly turned around:

"I don't like Diana."

I frowned.


-I don't like her or any other woman."

He didn't let me answer. He turned around and left without a word. What did I just hear? Cadmael had to love Diana. They were supposed to love each other since the library scene. Was this all my fault? Was it because Cadmael didn't save Diana? I hid behind my pillow and panicked. What did I do? I thought that it would still be fine and they would eventually fall in love later on. It was written after all. It was fate. But now everything was a mess! What did I do?

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