Chapter 74- Cadmael's POV

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Cadmael had to put the wedding planning on hold and that put him in a very bad mood. He almost teleported back to the room and set the whole place on fire but he forced himself to calm down. That witch was stronger than he was expecting. He couldn't act recklessly.

Cadmael waited for Eschyle to go to class and immediately teleported to the garden. He started looking for the red haired woman and it was a good sign that her essence was in the opposite direction to where the witch's powers were emanating from. He soon found the red haired woman reading on a bench and noticed that the witch's powers were lingering on her. Cadmael knew that the witch would appear the second she felt that her beloved was in danger. He couldn't waste this chance and decided to approach her slowly.

The woman immediately felt the stranger and put her book down with a frown:

"Did you like yesterday's show? Have you come back for more?"

Cadmael shook his head and pretended to be sorry:

"I didn't want to disturb you. I just needed to speak to the witch.

-Her name is Astéria Glisten. Not the witch."

Cadmael bit his lip. He didn't like the condescension with which that woman was talking to him.

"I was desperate and really needed to talk to Madame Glisten.

-Desperate enough to break into our room in the middle of the night?

-Yes. I needed to see her as soon as possible.

-I am curious what could be important enough for you to threaten to kill me. Just an advice for next time: never threaten Astéria with me. She really doesn't like it. You should thank me for still being alive.

-I am very grateful for your help and...

-And you thought that I could help you some more?"

Cadmael swore that he would kill her the second she cut him off again.

"Indeed. You see right through me.

-Drop the nice act. I hate liars. Just tell me what you need directly."

Cadmael immediately straightened out:

"I heard that she is the only human to have ever broken the fence between universes."

The woman smiled for some reason:

"I see that my wife became quite famous around here. So, do you need her to open a path for you too?



Cadmael bit his lip. Why would he explain himself to this person? He could break her neck just with a quick squeeze. As if she could read his mind, the woman laughed:

"What do you think would happen first? You killing me, or my angry wife taking your life? She is a tiny bit too protective of me, you know. But we could try it out if you want."

Cadmael was craving to kill her. He was already hearing what sound her bones would make under the pressure. But he couldn't. He knew that he wouldn't win this round and admitting that put him in a worse mood:

"What if you tried convincing me? Maybe I could put in a good word for you."

He didn't see any other way. No matter what the woman thought about his little explanation, winning some time by talking to her was a good idea:

"They hurt my wife."

The woman frowned:

"I would have sworn you were gay.

-His name is Eschyle.

-That makes much more sense.

-I need to make them suffer.

-Fair enough. You should give those bastards what they deserve."

Cadmael frowned:

"Is that all?


-Are you going to help me?

-I can't force my wife to help you but I can tell her to listen to you. If there's someone who likes revenge, it's us."

Cadmael was so surprised that he had no idea what to do with his body anymore.


Seeing him like this made the woman laugh:

"What were you expecting me to say? I kind of see myself in your wife.

-I doubt that.

-That's not what I meant, relax. I came from another universe too. Astéria was actually the one who pulled me here. Astéria obliterated everyone that ever hurt me. Why don't you tell me more about your wife? Why is it that you love him? And what did those people do to him? If you don't mind, of course. You don't have to share anything you don't want to."

The woman tapped the spot next to her and Cadmael sat down, still a bit puzzled. He started talking about Eschyle and the more he was saying, the more lively he became. The red haired woman listened to his story intently:

"Those bastards! If you need someone to help you torture them I am all in! If you don't bring them here I am going to find them myself!"

She got so heated that she suddenly started gagging.

"Not again! I only ate yogurt. I hate these hormones."

Seeing the woman bend over, Cadmael reached out to her by reflex but he didn't have time to touch her when the witch appeared. The latter didn't seem happy to see the strange man around her wife and surrounded the latter's body with her hands while staring Cadmael down. Fortunately, the red haired woman didn't puke and quickly said:

"I'm fine. Don't hurt him."

This distracted Astéria for a second however she still wasn't convinced. She continued staring at Cadmael, seeming to think that the second he moved, she would make his head explode. Not taking chances, Cadmael raised his hands in the air as a sign of peace. He was waiting for the red haired woman to take his side and she did:

"I think you should hear him out, Angie.

-He threatened you.

-Water has flown under the bridge since then. We are buddies now."

The witch wasn't convinced and seeing Cadmael frown hearing the word buddies wasn't helping.

"He reminds me of you back in the day."

This seemed to deeply vex the witch who looked Cadmael up and down with disgust. Cadmael had to admit that he had never felt so judged in his entire life. He didn't say anything however and waited for the red haired woman to summarize the situation. It seemed she was the only one who could reason the witch.

"Why not help him? Those people can't live their lives happily after what they did."

Astéria didn't budge once during the whole speech but fortunately for Cadmael, her wife knew how to talk to her:

"I will give you a reward if you help him."

This made the witch's eyes immediately turn golden and she straightened up, interested. She accepted in the second and the portal opened suddenly. Cadmael didn't understand how it could be so easy but didn't dare waste a second, worried that the witch would change her mind. Once he got what he wanted, Cadmael came back and thanked the two women for helping him. The witch had already lost interest in him and gestured for him to leave:

"Don't ever come back here. If I see you, I'll kill you."

Cadmael quickly nodded, not really wanting to come back either. The red haired woman on the other hand smiled:

"I wish you and Eschyle all the happiness in the world."

Cadmael thanked her and quickly backed away. It seemed the witch didn't like Cadmael paying attention to her wife and she was pulling the red haired woman closer and closer by the waist. Looking at her eyes, Cadmael kind of saw himself in the witch. Did he care about Eschyle this much too?

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