Chapter 3

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Cadmael took me to the infirmary and later on wanted to carry me to my room but I told him it was nothing serious. He still insisted on accompanying me so I had no choice but to agree. The silence between us was very awkward and I didn't know what to say. Suddenly I remembered something and jumped on the occasion to have something to talk about:

"What did the professor want with you?

-He told me I was the last in the class in every subject.

-That's because you keep sleeping during class." (no shit Sherlock)

Cadmael stopped and smiled so suddenly that I jumped.

"Could you help me? You are the first in everything."

My reflex to help people was quicker than me:


Suddenly I remembered who he was and that I needed to keep my distance with him:

"I mean... No, sorry. I would have loved to but I can't.

-Why? insisted Cadmael.


-Please... I can't do it without your help. They will probably kick me out if I don't have better grades.

-They can't!"

Cadmael was as surprised as I was.


He couldn't be kicked out. Cadmael was the crown prince. He had been bullied by Eschyle all his life and coming to college finally gave him a place where he had the upper hand. He was way smarter than Eschyle and stronger with the sword. He became head of the class and this made Eschyle so mad that he bullied him more than before. How could Cadmael be kicked out? He was too different from the original book. What happened? Was this really because I saved him back then? Or was it because I didn't bully him? What did I do?

Maybe because I didn't make his life hell, he didn't learn to be strong. He didn't learn to suppress his feelings and he didn't have the thirst to do better than me. He didn't see me as a rival and that didn't give him motivation. If this was the case then it was really bad. Cadmael was the male lead and the future emperor. He had to be stronger than anyone or he would be killed in a second in the court. I changed everything. He wasn't an emperor. He was a cute child with a soft and unbothered heart. Why had people been so intimidated by him at the beginning? He was inoffensive.

I wanted to cry and seeing my expression, Cadmael tilted his face.


His face was getting closer to mine and I quickly backed away.

"Okay. I will help you."

Cadmael's eyes started shining. He was so cute, I never saw him so happy before. I had to right my wrongs and make this child into an emperor. As I thought about that, we arrived in front of my door and I waved goodbye to Cadmael. But just as I was about to leave, I felt someone grab my sleeve. I was taken aback and almost screamed.

"Are you sure your ankle's okay? Do you need help getting into bed? (*wink* *wink*)

-No, it's fine."

I wasn't used to someone being so nice to me. No one ever paid attention to me growing up except if they wanted something in exchange, usually my fathers good graces. I smiled. Cadmael was really a good child. He deserved to be happy.

The next day I wanted to go to class as if nothing happened but was very scared to see Cadmael in front of my door in the morning.

"What are you doing here?"

My heart was beating so fast. I didn't hear him come at all. But soon I relaxed when I saw the child's innocent smile. He wasn't the dangerous man that would kill me. He was just a kid. Everything was fine.

"I was worried about your leg. Could we eat breakfast together?

-I really don't need any supervision. I can walk just fine."

Cadmael's eyes started sparkling and I was really scared he would start to cry therefore I quickly agreed. This illuminated his face and I slowly followed him to the dining room. Usually it was Cadmael following me and not the other way round. Now that he was in front of me, I could really see how big he was. How could such a cute child have such broad shoulders? If he practiced a bit he would be amazing with the sword. (he is but he is a fool for you soooo...)

I suddenly froze. What was I doing? Was I thinking about teaching the sword to the man who was going to kill me? Was that a good idea? Shouldn't I let him be weak? No, he would be eaten by the other nobles in a second. He needed to be able to protect himself. As if he heard my thoughts, Cadmael turned back and I jumped:


-Am I walking too fast?

-Hum, no.

-Then walk next to me. Then I'll be able to catch you if you fall.

-Why would I fall?"

He seemed so worried that I couldn't help but smile. This child was nothing like the terrifying emperor I read about. He was so cute that I wanted to hug him. Maybe I could help him and he would remember it in the future and spare my life if something happened. I shook my head. I shouldn't get too close to him. He is a prince. I would always be in danger around him. I can help him a little in the shadows and when everything was back on track I would disappear without a trace.

We walked side by side but I still tried to be as far away from him as possible. Then we ate in total silence. I thought it would make me feel uncomfortable but it was quite relaxing. What wasn't on the other hand, was Cadmael staring at me all along.

" Is there something on my face?

-Nothing. You just seem to really like lemon, that's all."

I immediately turned red. I didn't realize that I had eaten three slices of lemon cake and drank lemonade.

"It's my favorite fruit."

I didn't understand why but Cadmael had a huge smile when he heard me talk about myself. He seemed very happy and that made me smile in turn without realizing.

"What is it?

-I like hearing about what you like, Eschyle. You should do it more often."

I didn't know what to say but fortunately he stopped looking at me and focused on his food. When we finished we went to school together but this time we walked side by side. We still didn't talk and I rapidly got lost in my thoughts. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going when I suddenly jumped feeling something on my shoulder. I turned to Cadmael:

"What is it?

-School is this way.


I turned red again and followed Cadmael without a word. I heard him laugh and that made me feel even worse. I couldn't lower my guard too much. I had to stay focused. In order to do so, I avoided Cadmael at noon and even tried to go home alone but found him waiting for me at the gate. I wanted to walk past as if I didn't see him but Cadmael felt me approach and smiled. I suddenly felt bad to avoid this kid:

"Where were you, Eschyle?

-I had a lot of work.

-You said you would help me... Why would you avoid me all day just after saying that?"

He seemed so sad that I was scared he would cry again. How horrible was I? How could I avoid him? What can I say? That I was scared? Scared of what? He is so sweet and kind.

"I'm so sorry. We can study at home if you want."

Cadmael immediately started smiling again and I felt relieved. I shouldn't worry too much. Everything would be fine eventually.

[BL] I shouldn't have married the crown princeWhere stories live. Discover now