Chapter 80

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People clapped and music took on again while people came up to congratulate us and give us their gifts one after the other. I immediately spotted a familiar face in the queue and jumped up:


The latter stepped out of the line with a big smile and ran up to me before hugging me close:

"Hi sweetie! I told you that we would see each other soon.

-I am so happy that you came!

-Of course I did. I told you that I would be here for you."

Cadmael didn't seem to like Gilbert hugging me for so long because the latter smiled at him, amused:

"Don't worry, your Highness. I am only hugging your wife. I am not doing all the dirty things that you are to him."

I felt my cheeks go bright red and immediately let go of Gilbert:

"It's not..."

Cadmael on the other hand seemed to be satisfied by this answer and he nodded respectfully to Gilbert. Needing to change the subject, I quickly coughed:

"How have you been?

-Very well! Thanks for asking. I finally have my baby goat. I named her Jolie. I can't stop thinking about her. Poor baby is at home while I am here but fortunately she is not alone. A very nice neighbor is taking care of her.

-I'm so happy for you! And did you get the house of your dreams?

-It's quite old and ugly for now but we will get there.

-If you ever need anything you can always come to find me or just send a letter. I will come immediately."

Gilbert rubbed my head with a smile:

"That's adorable, darling. But enough about me. Look at you! You look divine! Like a real Emperor."

Cadmael cleared his throat before correcting:


This made Gilbert smirk:

"What floats your boat I guess. You are glowing, darling. You look so happy. I am happy for you."

I hugged Gilbert again. I hadn't realized how much I had missed him.

"Thank you so much.

-Wait! I almost forgot!"

Gilbert quickly pushed me back and ran down the few stairs to get a box before coming back and handing it to me:

"I didn't have time to pack your present but I still wanted to congratulate you on your wedding.

-Gilbert... You shouldn't have."

While I was opening the box, Gilbert shrugged with a smirk:

"It's more a gift for Cadmael than you I guess but I couldn't leave it there when I saw it."

What I saw inside the box made me jump and I quickly closed it again before backing away as much as I could from it with the box still being in my hands:


Seeing my flushed cheeks made him laugh:

"What? This is the perfect wedding gift for a young couple."

Cadmael, who didn't care one bit about what was going on until now or about the gifts we got suddenly got curious and he stood up. I didn't want him to see what was inside the box but he was quicker and he stopped behind my back, one arm around my waist and another opening the box in my hands.

Knowing that he was seeing the same thing that I was made me blush even more and Gilbert was almost choking, laughing. Cadmael didn't say anything for long seconds and I knew that I shouldn't have but I looked up at him to see what his expression was like. Seeing his smile made me immediately shutter and Cadmael stared at my flushed face for way longer than he should have. He seemed to really like the view because his smile widened and he bent closer to me, resting his chin on my shoulder:

"Why are you so red? What are you imagining?

-I... N-nothing.

-Hum? I don't think it's nothing if your face is this red."

I turned away but then I saw the content of the box again and I decided to close my eyes all together. Cadmael laughed before kissing my ear:

"You look lovely, my sweet wife."

He finally decided to let me off the hook and he straightened up without letting go of me:

"We are very touched by the thought however we won't be able to accept this gift."

Gilbert slowly nodded, his smirk not leaving his face for a second:

"I figured, don't worry. I guess the Emperor doesn't want his sweet lover to wear something another man got for him."

Gilbert took the box back without a complaint and I finally relaxed now that the box was far from me.

"If you want, what I can give you instead is a gift card from this shop."

Gilbert handed Cadmael a pink and white paper card and the Emperor took it with a smirk. I wanted to take the gift card and hide it far away from the curious gazes people were shooting at us from the line but Cadmael didn't seem to care at all about the attention we got from others.

Cadmael and Gilbert would have continued talking about adult shops and games for hours if someone didn't run to the stairs and screamed desperately:


Andrew had arrived so suddenly that guards jumped in front of him to prevent him from getting further, scared that he would try to hurt the Emperor. Being held back made Andrew struggle with all his might and made him look even more dangerous:

"Gilbert! Gilbert!"

The guards finally managed to control him and forced Andrew on his knees but the latter didn't look away from Gilbert for a second:

"Gilbert! I have looked everywhere for you! Where were you? Why did you leave? Please come back! Gilbert!"

Because of all the commotion, everyone started looking at Gilbert and the latter pinched his lips before hugging me one last time:

"I have to go now. I left my baby alone for too long. Once again congratulations on your wedding. Bye!"

And just like that he ran down the stairs and ran out of the ballroom. Seeing Gilbert run away turned Andrew feral and he pushed the guards back before running after Gilbert:

"Gilbert! Please don't leave me! Please!"

Everyone stepped away to let the two of them through and after a few seconds they were gone. The ballroom turned silent suddenly and everyone continued staring at the door for a few seconds.

Musicians looked at each other, not knowing what to do but one glance from Cadmael forced them to resume playing. Hearing the music, the guests went back to dancing and slowly people forgot about Gilbert and Andrew.

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