Chapter 40-Gilbert's POV

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Andrew chose Gilbert's dress himself and helped the young man put it on. He made all the maids leave wanting to be the only one to touch this body. He was very light with his movements and helped Gilbert with extreme delicacy. Despite that there were a lot of decorations on the dress and one of them pinched Gilbert who winced suddenly. Andrew immediately let go of the dress and looked at Gilbert panicked:

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you? I am so sorry."

His eyes got teary and Gilbert had to quickly tell him that he was fine. Andrew made sure that Gilbert didn't have any wounds and even kissed the skin where he got hurt before getting back to work. His movements got even more caring and Gilbert started to lose patience. He retracted his arm and said:

"I'll do it."

Andrew immediately let him go and looked to the ground:

"I'm sorry."

Gilbert rolled his eyes:

"You don't have to apologize all the time.

-Sorry, I won't do anything you dislike."

He rolled his eyes again but didn't reply. Once the dress was put on, Gilbert still had a few accessories left to wear.

"Isn't this too much?

-You are gorgeous.

-I know but I would be even with less than this."

Andrew laughed:

"The shinier you are, the easier to see. That way I won't lose you in the crowd. -Might as well put a tracker on me.

-Good idea.

-If you do that I'll break you in half."

Andrew laughed again and kissed Gilbert on the cheek:

"I wouldn't dare. Guess I'll just have to keep my eyes on you."

Gilbert grimaced while Andrew was still smiling. Now that he was looking at him, Gilbert noticed something:

"Spin around."

Andrew raised his brows but did it without asking. Seeing him do so deepened Gilbert's frown.

"Aren't we wearing really similar outfits?

-What do you mean? Yours is much prettier. I could unwrap you right now.

-Stop joking. Why are we matching?"

Andrew averted his eyes with a guilty smile:

"I thought you wouldn't notice.

-I almost didn't.

-I just wanted everyone to know that we came together.

-Well I don't!

-Please, just this once. I won't let any rumor break out about you.

-I am not your boyfriend, Andrew. You should stop trying."

Andrew's face immediately lost it's smile and he slowly nodded:

"I'm sorry. I prepared another outfit. I'll change right now."

Once Andrew was ready they both left for the ball. Gilbert really didn't want anyone to see them arrive together and went in before Andrew. This really frustrated the young man. He wanted everyone to see Gilbert on his arm and to know he couldn't be taken. He wanted the whole world to know who his loved one was and even more now that it wasn't prohibited. But he couldn't do anything Gilbert didn't like. He just had to make Gilbert like him slowly.

Once inside, Andrew immediately went to Gilbert and escorted him to the buffet. He prepared a plate with all his favorite things and held him the plate while Gilbert was eating. Andrew smiled seeing the scene. He pampered Gilbert so much that he started getting used to it and didn't even notice Andrew holding the plate in front of him like a servant.

Gilbert's expression drastically changed when he saw Diana and he ran to her with a smile:

"You are gorgeous sweety!

-Thank you! So are you! Look at this dress. Who got it for you?"

Andrew was really proud of his find.

"It was me.

-Not bad at all! It perfectly compliments your body. You couldn't have worn something better."

Gilbert shrugged but Andrew could see he liked the compliment:

"Anything would look great on me anyway."

Diana laughed:

"I agree with that. Did you two come together?



Both of them looked at each other puzzled. Seeing them made Diana laugh again:

"It's not a very hard question.

-We didn't come together. We just ran into each other here."

Andrew pouted but Gilbert paid him no attention whatsoever. Suddenly everyone went silent and the emperor got announced. He walked slowly to the throne and sat down on it towering above everyone else. Cadmael always had been imposing but he was even more so now that he was wearing the crown. Gilbert almost didn't recognise him. How could they be the same age?

The music didn't resume and Cadmael looked at everyone slowly as if looking for someone. He then immediately got up and left the room leaving people whispering at a loss.

"What happened?"

Gilbert looked around and smiled:

"He is looking for Eschyle."

Diana didn't seem really satisfied by that answer. Gilbert didn't say anything and just patted Diana's shoulder. It was hard having a crush. Diana smiled. She really liked the silent comfort Gilbert was giving her.

The people around them didn't know what to do. Usually the emperor would have to dance the first dance before people could dance themselves. However, now they didn't know how to behave. Seeing them all confused, Alphonse ordered the music to resume and everyone to dance.

Gilbert wanted to ask Diana to dance but before he could say anything he felt his arm being pulled by Andrew. Gilbert looked up at him puzzled:


-Could you dance with me?"

Gilbert looked at Diana but she didn't help him at all. She smiled wickedly and told him she would find another partner. Gilbert cursed her which made Diana laugh. Andrew was really happy to have this occasion and ran to the floor afraid Gilbert would find an excuse. The problem was that Andrew didn't know how to stop and Gilbert started to be out of breath. Fortunately Cadmael finally came back with Eschyle and Gilbert could breathe again.

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