Chapter 24

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Cadmael and Diana finished reading the book and we went to eat together. This was the perfect opportunity to have the both of them bonding around the book and to follow the plot at the same time.

"What did you think about the book Cadmael? I asked genuinely curious."

I knew that he liked it according to the original writing but hearing it from his mouth was different.

"I really liked the protagonist."

Diana didn't say anything sipping her tea.


-They are really kind and always want to help others. I don't like it when they get in danger because of that but they are really endearing."

I was really happy to hear that. The protagonist was exactly like Diana and I felt like Cadmael finally started liking her. I was so satisfied with my plan that I could jump all over the place.

"I like her too! She is an amazing person and I have a lot of respect for her."

I smiled at Diana who returned my smile with a soft expression on her face. I wanted to say how much the protagonist resembled her but I was scared that Camdael would understand that I knew he liked her and get all shy. I should let them figure it out for themselves. Cadmael was really attentive and there was no doubt that Diana would fall for him too.

Talking about Diana, she put her cup down in silence before saying:

"I think there should be more people like the protagonist. If there were, then the world would be a better place."

Cadmael had a strange smirk:

"What makes them so appealing is the fact that they are different from other people. Would you still like them if they were the same as everybody else?

-Do you mean that they wouldn't be endearing if they weren't nicer than the others? What superficial feelings."

Cadmael's smile grew bigger. I was really happy to see them talk so much! I knew that everything would get back on track!

"You seem to think that they have only one quality which is their kindness. I know that they would be different from the others no matter the society. So who's the one with superficial feelings now?"

Diana's eyes started glowing. She seemed really into the conversation. There was nothing better than a debate to get closer. If they didn't agree on the book then they would talk a lot about it and get to know eachother better. Perfect!

After the meal, Cadmael and I walked home together. I was quite satisfied but still had an idea on how to make things more like in the original writing:

"You know what would be nice?"

Cadmael was all ears.

"If you wrote your thoughts as you were reading.

-Would you like that?"

I nodded. Diana would love it.

"I'm sorry. I was really into the story and wanted to finish it as soon as possible to talk with you about it. I remember everything that I thought. Do you want me to tell you?"

I laughed seeing his enthusiasm.

"No need. You'll tell us next time we are having a meal together.

-Did you read the other book I got you?

-I couldn't start it yet. I'll read it tonight.

-Could I come with you?

-Of course. But wouldn't you be bored looking at me read?

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