Chapter 82

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Cadmael ignored the knock on the door and continued bending towards me. But soon after the person knocked again:

"Your Highness, I have an urgent matter to talk to you about."

I immediately recognized Alphonse's voice and stopped Cadmael by the shoulder:

"You should probably go."

But Cadmael only shook his head:

"It can't be as important as you."

Alphonse didn't think the same way and knocked even louder:

"It is really important that you come as soon as possible."

Cadmael sighed, trying to calm down but still wasn't letting go of me:

"If you knock one more time, I am cutting your wrists off.


The latter looked at me with innocent eyes:

"What? He should be happy that it's only the wrists.

-Your Highness, it's about the cave."

Hearing this, Cadmael froze. He went pale and started frowning, letting me down immediately.

"I am so sorry, Eschyle. I have to go but I will be back as quickly as possible. Will you be okay by yourself?

-Of course. But is everything okay? You don't look good."

Cadmael kissed me on the forehead:

"Of course. I will take care of this as quickly as possible."

And he ran out of the room. I had never seen Cadmael worried about something, especially not work and thought that it must have been really urgent if he made that face. I thought about what I could do to support him and decided to prepare something nice for him when he would come back to the room. What would Cadmael like? He must have been very angry that he got disturbed during our wedding days so I thought that I could be waiting for him in my wedding dress when he came back. Maybe that would set the mood and we could finally do more than kissing. That would be perfect to comfort him.

Having decided that, I came out of our room to go looking for my wedding dress. I knew that it would be in the washing room. Cadmael had insisted that my dress would be cleaned as quickly as possible so we could exhibit it in our room. Therefore I started walking towards the washing room but I couldn't take more than ten steps when I found myself face to face with Marvin. The latter looked out of breath and seeing him made me freeze for some reason.

"Young Master! No, sorry I should say Your Highness now."

I shook my head:

"It's okay, don't worry.

-What happened?"

I frowned, having no idea what he was talking about.

"Rubert got taken away as if he was a thief. What happened between you two? Your brother told me that you wouldn't hear him out but I can't believe it. You are not like that. Right?"

As he was talking he grabbed my shoulders suddenly and I took a step back, not liking the sudden proximity.

"Your brothers really need your help, Your Highness. You are the only one who can help them.

-I know, Rubert told me. But the reason they are in debt is because of them. I am not obliged to help them.

-How could you say that? After everything your brothers did for you.

-Marvin, I am sorry to tell you this but my brothers and I have never been close. Far from that. I don't owe them anything."

This seemed to really puzzle Marvin:

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